Caught myself binge eating...

missyannb85 Posts: 72
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started on this site 3 days ago, i've been dieting on my own for sometime now. I have lost a total of 31 lbs. So why, am I still catching myself binge eating at the first sign of something emotional happening in my life? My mom talked to me about getting a divorce yesterday and I instantly ran to the cupboard and had no junk food so I baked a Libby's brand Pumpkin bread/cake. I proceded to eat half of it. Why do I eat such crap when i'm upset when I know as soon as i'm done i'm just going to feel worse about myself?? I feel terrible today because the scale went in the upward direction. UGH, I just want to be skinny, and I dont want to have to work at it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly HATE myself right now. Any advice on how to avoid binge eating?! Please Help me!!!


  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    sweetheart, i did the same thing last night, well this morning actually at 1:00 am. and now i feel horrible :ohwell:
    i try to fight it off but unfortunately sometimes it happens. We forgive ourselves and move forward, but I have got to get the trigger foods out of my pantry
  • i thing the best way i am learning to deal with it is to realize the fact you are binge eating. I eat when im bored and it has helped when i start snacking for no reason or binge eating for any reason other then real hunger i catch myself and think "how will i feel when im done eating this?' it helps sometimes
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    I am too an emotional eater. I know how you feel. I eat when I worry, scared, hurt, and happy. It's crazy because I'll even do really well and lose a little weight. Then, I see myself and think God, I'm fat! And I get frustrated, then run to the kitchen and grab something to eat. Because food is really going to make me look better? Where's the logic in that? I don't know where we get it from, but it's like second nature to me!

    One thing I've learned is to plan ahead. Sometimes I'll even log all of my food for the next day. I know when I'm going to eat and what I'm going to eat. A couple weeks ago my husband and I got into an argument. I can't tell you how hard it was for me not to run to McDonald's and cram a Big Mac in my mouth! But since I stepped into this mindframe, I knew that I would have to log it. And I didn't want to put that down!

    This site has been a great help for me so far! Good-luck girl!!!!
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    Hey girl! I know how you feel. I do the same thing. Whenever I get stressed out or upset or anything, all I want to do is eat, eat and eat some more. And then I feel like crap afterwards because I ate. I am trying to work on the same thing. I try to think about what I want to eat before I eat instead of just sticking something in my mouth. If I start thinking about then, I will already start feeling guilty about it before I even eat it. And some of the time I stop myself... other times I don't. I also quit smoking at the beginning of this year and it has made it even harder because I would smoke if I got stressed out as well. I think its just learning how to tell yourself, no. And knowing that its not going to be the end of the world if you dont get whatever it is that you want. i hope this helps a little. I know saying that you can tell yourself no and actually doing it is two totally separate things.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I understand... I had been doing so well,... and then today, it was a rough day... impending divorce, my (soon to be ex) husband won't/can't get a job, I am in school, our son has been having problems in school, we may not make the rent in a week,...

    I had a whole can of Campbell's Chunky Clam Chowder,... Yes, the BIG can,... and scooped it into my mouth with some tortilla chips.... : (

    While I am still under my caloric goal for the day, I feel horrible, bloated, gross, and regretting returning to an old habit just b/c I am upset!

    It's ok, there's tomorrow, and tomorrow has more possibilities!
    For all of us
    on this journey

    : )
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    If I had the answer, I wouldn't be here. :smile: However, there are a couple tricks that help in the long run:
    1) The weight loss is for the LONG HAUL, not the short term. So if you screw up one day because something terrible happened, start over the next day.
    2) I try (emphasis on TRY, not always successful) to focus on how I will feel AFTER the binge is over. That awful, sluggish, guilty, "why did I do this?" kind of feeling. I like to avoid that!!!

    You are human, divorce is stressful to watch someone go through or talk about - cut yourself some slack. :wink:
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