Merina 5 year IUD & weight gain-LADIES



  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I had Mirena for about a year, removed it in July. I have mixed reviews for it. I loved that it was something I could forget, and I had no period. It did not hurt having it put in because I had given birth a couple of months before hand, and had no problems when it came to sex. However I did have terrible side effects (one out of so many do). I was losing my hair, my face broke out, I was constantly bloated (looked pregnant), and while they say the hormones in it are localized, they aren't. The hormones in it would cause me to freak out, my family thought I had lost my mind. Within a 4 month window I put on 50 pounds from the crazy cravings I had, not from the IUD itself. I could not lose wieght on it. Once I removed it I lost weight and have been losing steady, and I have made no changes from then until now in diet or exercise. My skin is clear, my moods are normal, and my hair has stopped falling out. I also have not ovulated since removal, an after effect. This is just one bad testimonial to the thousands that have great success with it, so keep that in mind. Just giving you an honest opinion. It is one of those things you really have to try for yourself. Birth control effects every woman differently.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    It will be three years in April that I have had Merina. I have never had kids, so getting it inserted was the worst pain I have ever felt. I almost passed out. I cramped really bad for a couple of weeks and bled nonstop for about four month. I still spot randomly...all the time. I have bought nothing but black underwear because of this. I am a mega B, very moody, but the only emotions I seem capable of is anger/irratibility and extreme sadness. I have no sex drive, thinking about sex makes me angry. I feel bad for my husband. He must have the patience of a saint to put up with me.

    I put on 20lbs my first year of having it. I have been busting my butt to get the weight off and have lost 13lbs. I have been stuck at my current weight for over a year. I am getting it removed in less than two weeks because I can't handle being detached, angry, and nonphysical (touching is annoying to me). I want to be myself again.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    The other options they gave me is the Novasure (endometrial ablation)...or a Hysterectomy..BOTH I am afraid of because I don't want to be put asleep :( Terrified of that!!!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I didn't gain weight from Mirena - I did however get cysts on my ovaries and one the size of a dime ended up rupturing while I was at a hotel with my husband for Valentine's Day. I thought it had punctured the wall of my uterus, so that was scary. The first 3 months after I had it put in were pretty painful, but honestly it's been such a blessing having the IUD. I don't have any problems with it anymore - 3 months after I had it put in all the pain went away. I'd definitely go through it again so that I could have peace of mind as I do now. As long as my insurance will cover it, I'll definitely be getting it replaced when the time comes.

    ETA: Getting the IUD put in was quite painful, but I think the shot they give you to numb the area was more painful than it actually being put in. I do spot occasionally as well, but my periods are pretty regular most of the time and rarely heavy. Nothing compared to how they used to be, which I'm also grateful for.