I have no idea what to do for my a**.



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I think there are some exercises that affect our butt shapes, but really. . . a lot of butt shapes are genetically determined. And we can't do a whole lot about that except thank or blame our parents. I have two daughters who are practically the same size (5'2" and between 105-115 pounds). One has her father's butt and other has mine. The one can thank me just as I thanked my mom.

    THIS!! If it is flat most likely it will stay flat even with targeted work. Just like a womans chest will stay flat unless she gets implants. This is only my opinion though.
    butts are muscles and breasts are primarily fat o tht's probably hy chests stay the same. but i can most definitely assure you thatflat a$$es dont stay flat with weighted squats, deadlift, and lunges.