stuck in the 140lbs, how to lose the last 15-20lbs?

Hi guys!

Im hoping for some help! Im eating my calories (1500) and exercising at least 3 times a week of vigorous exercise, BUT i cant seem to get lower than 144lbs and I don't know what to do! Im hoping people that achieved their goal of around 125-130lbs can help me! I also do 100 sit ups every night, what am i doing wrong?? HELP!!


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Shift your focus from body weight to body composition.
  • emmashutt91
    what do you mean? food?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    what do you mean? food?

    No, I mean stop worrying as much about how much you weigh, and start worrying about what your bodyfat percentage is, how many inches you have lost around your waist, and how you look has changed.

    The primary way to do this is to start resistance training.
  • emmashutt91
    Yeah but im still carrying weight around my belly so I need cardio mostly don't I? weight loss is so confusing :(
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Yeah but im still carrying weight around my belly so I need cardio mostly don't I? weight loss is so confusing :(

    You can certainly continue doing cardio as well, but beginning to build muscle will only help.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    How tall are you? Can you open your diary?
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It says on your profile that your inspirations are Olympic athletes. Well okay, but which ones? Maybe you could look up some of their training routines and what they eat every day and try emulating them (well, maybe not by doing backflips off a highbeam or anything dangerous like that!).

    These athletes also tend to have trainers and nutrition experts on hand. If you can, enlist a personal trainer and a nutritionist to help you. If you really want a body like an elite athletes', you're going to have to do a lot of research and hard work and put a lot of time in. After that, it's genetics roulette as to how close you'll get to being in that kind of shape.
  • indyjames
    1500 calories...thats just counting. make sure calories from fat=250 calories from protein =500 and calories from carbohydrates=750...then change your exercise to high metabolic bootcamp routines using only body weight.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Trying increasing your calorie intake by 100 more a day and see how that goes, believe it or not you might be pleasantly surprised and start losing again. Every time I increased mine I lost weight so give it a try
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    What I am about to suggest may seem strange, but I do think it wil work for you. Stop stressing and move at an enjoyable pace. Do something active that you enjoy. ENJOY is the key word. If you stress about stuff, your cortisol levels will increase and you will not lose weight! Go out dancing, walk to the zoo, or museum, or art gallery. Hike the woods, go to the play ground and swing! Do something fun for yourself and reduce any stress. Do not try to exercise, just enjoy!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Shift your focus from body weight to body composition.

    ^^^This is correct. It's time to focus on body recomposition through strength training and lifting weights. And there's no better way to get rid of those last few pounds by doing compound exercises and challenging yourself with weights. It really works. I would suggest reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains all about the importance of strength training and making sure you're getting enough protein.
  • emmashutt91
    its just difficult I only want to lose around 15lbs but it just won't come off. I've used a body fat percentage calculator and im 28% which tells me its 'acceptable'. I do dancing twice a week, and i'd spend my life in the gym if I could afford it. I just want to be toned and im working full time and I know I definately shouldn't say I don't have time because I do after work but my job is physically demanding too working in a swimming pool and most days at 35o celcius climbing up and down stairs it really is draining. And now my mind has gone blank to what im replying to haha :/
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    Shift your focus from body weight to body composition.

    ^^^This is correct. It's time to focus on body recomposition through strength training and lifting weights. And there's no better way to get rid of those last few pounds by doing compound exercises and challenging yourself with weights. It really works. I would suggest reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains all about the importance of strength training and making sure you're getting enough protein.

    all of this. i would limit the cardio to 2 days a week, high intensity no longer than 30min and lift F*&#^@^ heavy!! :-)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    its just difficult I only want to lose around 15lbs but it just won't come off. I've used a body fat percentage calculator and im 28% which tells me its 'acceptable'. I do dancing twice a week, and i'd spend my life in the gym if I could afford it. I just want to be toned and im working full time and I know I definately shouldn't say I don't have time because I do after work but my job is physically demanding too working in a swimming pool and most days at 35o celcius climbing up and down stairs it really is draining. And now my mind has gone blank to what im replying to haha :/

    I think you're over stressing. You're not over weight and your body fat is good. You may not want to hear that your body is at it's normal healthy weight. How tall are you? What types of workouts are you doing?
  • emmashutt91
    Shift your focus from body weight to body composition.

    ^^^This is correct. It's time to focus on body recomposition through strength training and lifting weights. And there's no better way to get rid of those last few pounds by doing compound exercises and challenging yourself with weights. It really works. I would suggest reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains all about the importance of strength training and making sure you're getting enough protein.

    all of this. i would limit the cardio to 2 days a week, high intensity no longer than 30min and lift F*&#^@^ heavy!! :-)

    well i have a ladies weight set up to 1.5kg, or are we talking HEAVY haha. How would I incorporate weight lifting into thigh and belly weight loss is it not just arms? im clueless ive been so use to just cardio!
  • emmashutt91
    its just difficult I only want to lose around 15lbs but it just won't come off. I've used a body fat percentage calculator and im 28% which tells me its 'acceptable'. I do dancing twice a week, and i'd spend my life in the gym if I could afford it. I just want to be toned and im working full time and I know I definately shouldn't say I don't have time because I do after work but my job is physically demanding too working in a swimming pool and most days at 35o celcius climbing up and down stairs it really is draining. And now my mind has gone blank to what im replying to haha :/

    I think you're over stressing. You're not over weight and your body fat is good. You may not want to hear that your body is at it's normal healthy weight. How tall are you? What types of workouts are you doing?

    i know im at a healthy weight but its more how I want to look now rather than the health because I even quit smoking 4 months ago because I wanted to be healthy and exercise without gasping for air constantly and I feel great now, I just now want to look good too! I do high intensity dancing 2 hours a week and I use to do jillian michaels 30 day shred but I havent done it for a month or so now. i'm 5'3.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Shift your focus from body weight to body composition.

    ^^^This is correct. It's time to focus on body recomposition through strength training and lifting weights. And there's no better way to get rid of those last few pounds by doing compound exercises and challenging yourself with weights. It really works. I would suggest reading the New Rules of Lifting for Women. It explains all about the importance of strength training and making sure you're getting enough protein.

    all of this. i would limit the cardio to 2 days a week, high intensity no longer than 30min and lift F*&#^@^ heavy!! :-)

    well i have a ladies weight set up to 1.5kg, or are we talking HEAVY haha. How would I incorporate weight lifting into thigh and belly weight loss is it not just arms? im clueless ive been so use to just cardio!

    1.5kg. isn't that 5lbs? Yeah, you need to lift heavy weights. Light weights build endurance, heavy weights build strength. Which is what will get you that "toned" look when you lose some more fat. Eating at a deficit + lifting heavy weights = fat loss + muscle retention. It's a winning combination.
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    Im 5'4" and 144, lost 10 pounds so far and want to loose another 10 pounds. I did a bunch of research and believe in the "eat more to weight less" I eat 1750 a day and started lifting a month ago and I still do cardio, including HIIT. The scale hasn't really budged for me, only 2 pounds in over a month. BUT..every week I get a compliment from someone that I have lost "a ton of weight" I took measurements and the changes are happening. For us, being smaller to begin with, and having only a little ways to go, I think it just takes longer. The progress is there, just at a snails pace. I am waiting for The New Rules of Weight Lifting book to show up and have confidence that the program will be a success. Keep at it and tweak your numbers and exercise and see what works, knowing to give anything new you try at least a month. You will get there!
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    Bump... I am having the exact same problem I'm about 138/9 and I would really like to lose 15-20 pounds, I work out a lot and eat fairly healthy (although I do have dessert -- it's a lifestyle not a diet!) but the scale just won't budge!
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    All the suggestions are great. Sometimes we plateau for a month or so. (I have more than once) Just keep doing what you're doing and make sure you are eating clean. Diet is the major factor here. You will break through it. Just be patient.