schedule help

My husband leaves for work at 5:20 AM, and returns home around 6:30 PM. We want to work out together, but are confused about scheduling in regards to food intake and exercise.
We are starting the P90X routine on Monday. Should we hit it right when he returns home, then have dinner directly after that? We are usually in bed by 9:30. Most medical/fitness recommendations state that you should not eat a major meal within 3 hours of going to sleep because many calories will in turn be stored (which of course is what we are trying to prevent)!
We are confused... Any suggestions?


  • Meghan0129
    Meghan0129 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I have a similar schedule. What I do is eat my larger carb meals during the day then have something light and full of protien when I finish working out at night. I like egg whites, a boca burger patty, and a protien shake. It takes some getting use to, breaking the habit of eating a dinner that is.