Pregnancy - Weight Gain

I was just curious for those of you who are currently pregnant, are you tracking your weekly weight on MFP?

I just joined today. I had been following WW for about 6 weeks before getting pregnant and then I tried to continue to watch what I was eating, but was so sick during the first 15 or so weeks, I could hardly eat anything / keep it down. I'm starting my 3rd trimester down 2 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight however I am about 75 - 80 pounds heavier than I should be. So far, my doctor isn't concerned that I haven't gained any weight as the baby is measuring right on for his gestational age.

I'm just curious for those of you who have been on your weight loss journey prior to getting pregnant, has it been hard to see your total weight loss number getting smaller and smaller ad the pregnancy progresses?


  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I've been using MFP to track my pregnancy gain, and it's been awesome. I've been able to make sure I hit my iron and calcium levels every day along with my protein goals. I've gained about 14 lbs in 24 weeks, which is right where I should be according to my midwife and doctor.

    In the beginning, it really sucked. I lost 42 lbs pre-baby, and it was really hard seeing the scale move in the other direction, but I feel like I have more control over myself than before, and as long as my pregnancy gain is healthy and not excessive, I'm okay with that. I just want my son to develop properly and for both of us to have a healthy safe pregnancy. So far so good!
  • cali76grl
    cali76grl Posts: 6 Member
    It sounds like your have a healthy look on pregnancy weight gain. I'm working on wrapping my head around it. I know that it's for a good cause... and it'll be well worth every pound gained!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    The thing to remember is that your weight is just a number on a scale known only to you and medical professionals who are sword to secrecy. It's far more important to be healthy for you and your child. Weight is only one factor in that.
  • tubbs313
    tubbs313 Posts: 6 Member
    Im 14 weeks and I have been tracking my food and weight gain. I had lost 15 pounds and it has been hard seeing it go in the other direction. But I really like having a set daily goal for calories so that way I dont go way over every day. I also havent felt guilty if I go over so long as it is good food and fast food.