Hi there!

Just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself. I just started tracking on Wednesday...and this I have to say is a first for me...

I'm 45 and I have pretty much managed to keep myself in decent shape. I joined my first gym when I was in college. Had a treadmill and free weights while my kids were little and couldn't get to a gym. Then I went though a divorce. It was final in July. The ordeal lasted 3 years and for any of you who have been through it you have a tendency to let a lot of things slide. My workouts went out the window...as did my very healthy, whole foods/organic diet. My water consumption was horrible..I just wasn't taking good care of myself.

My weight fortunately didn't suffer too badly (up about 10 lbs.). But at 45 losing weight and getting back into shape isn't easy. Right now I'm weighing in at 129. (I'm 5'1''). My goal is to lose 9 lbs. and to find my muscles again. As I've always had a healthy lifestyle, tracking calories has never been a part of my life. So coming here has been a different experience for me.

I'm off to a good start. I will weigh in on Monday. I look forward to coming here to check in with you all for support and guidance.

To peace and good health!!