Bizarre gaining experience

lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I was doing really well, logging all my meals and losing approx 1 lb a week.

Then last week I had a 3 lb gain overnight, after a day of perfectly on program.

I figured I had too much salt and weighed in 2 days later and was another 3 lbs up, again, on program.

Then monday, after admittedly snacking and drinking through the playoffs on Sunday, I woke up a grand total of 9.5 lbs heavier than I was the previous week.

Figuring it was the alcohol and salty snacks (I Did not count calories on Sunday only) I assumed I would get back to where I was fairly quickly.

But no.

It is like I went back in time.

I am currently higher than my start weight, the highest I have ever weighed in my life.

This has never happened to me before.

Usually if I have a big gain that can be attributed to a direct result of a particular event, I can lose the weight in a day or so.

But now, not so much.

Of course I am back on program but what a let down! I am losing the same weight that I lost 2 weeks ago!

I am not even going to log it until friday, then it is, what it is.



  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Have you changed where you weigh in (carpet instead of tile you usually do, etc?) I would check the batteries on your scale, if it's still showing the same amount, I would go see your doctor. if nothing has changed (including extreem stress, changes in how much water your drinking, starting your period etc) it could be related to a health condition and is worth checking out.
  • K1sses
    K1sses Posts: 11 Member
    Did you take a pregnancy test?
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    It's so funny because I just posted something similar to this earlier and I've read posts like this all day long! Don't fret! Give yourself some more time. If you were losing then you were doing something right. Make sure you're drinking lots of water. If you had a lot of sodium in the last day or so, that could effect your weight as well. It's not fat that you gained. That wouldn't really be too likely to do in a week. Women tend to weigh more about a week before and during that time of the month...

    Give it a little longer. Mayve if you've lost about 10 lbs you need to recalculate your calories. As you lose weight your allowed calories will go down. You'll be carrying around less weight and burning less calories still doing the same activity.

  • jjoyg
    jjoyg Posts: 12
    Bodies are weird like that sometimes. I have had my weight shift 5lbs in a day. This is why they tell you not to check your weight everyday. It will drive you nuts! Only weigh yourself once or twice a week. Also, try measuring yourself too and keeping track of those changes. They will be more indicative of fat loss.

    Also, I found this website informative.

    Hope this helps and don't get discouraged or punish yourself. Stay on track and do what you know is going to help your fitness goals.
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I agree with Stacy, keep at it and make sure you drink enough water/not too much weight definitely can fluctuate by a few pounds at that time of the month, too, which is normal! :) Also make sure you're eating enough, because you want to eat less to lost weight, but eating too little will cause your body to cling onto the weight to prevent starvation mode.

    Good luck!! :)
  • yes, i have this kind of experience when i'm having my period...

    also, muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe you're building muscle?

    or maybe you just reached a plateau and need to lower your calories or up your exercise?
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    I really hope that I never experience this - sounds like it would make me panic and so stressed! I'd feel like I was going back to being my original weight lol. Of course, like people said you could just be gaining in muscle! That is why you should take measurements rather than just your weight, muscle is denser and so you may actually be getting smaller in size but heavier in weight!
  • I took a peek at your food log. Not many veggies in there. You could eat more for the same calories with different choices. I've done what you are doing, and I could never keep it up for long. If you could see a nutritionist, or even get a good book on nutrition it would help. Load up on low carb vegetables. They taste better after acquired taste. I use spray butter and a little spice (I like cheesening) to give them some oomph! Hang in there. I wish you well. This site has really helped me with my meals. God Bless!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Weight gain that is that rapid can signal health problems - hypothyroidism for one. When mine shut down I gained 15 lbs in 2.5 weeks. If you are thinking something may be off physically, check WebMD for symptoms of hypothyroid, that at least will give you an idea. If you are eating properly and still gaining at that pace, I would definately get a Dr. appt. to see what is going on. Don't wait too long - if it doesn't straighten out in the next week, I would consult a MD.

    Edit - I looked at your diary also, and it looks fine to me. Yeah, a little light on veggies, but still nothing that would cause this kind of gain. You're eating fine. And well within calorie goal. If you were losing eating like this before last week you should be now. And also, the calorie adjust at 10 lbs the system does for you is like 10 calories a day. Definately not enough to cause you to regain everything you lost in less than a week! I don't think this is anything you can lay at your doorstep. I think something is going on physically that is wacked out. I hope it sorts itself out for you - or you find someone that can if it doesn't! :flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Have you added anything new to your diet lately? I was recently diagnosed with milk allergies and I switched to soy milk. Literally, in two weeks, I had a 10 pound gain. I cut most of the soy, and switched out for other types of milk (rice, almond, coconut, oat, and hemp), and have already lost 5 of those pounds in the last week.
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    I really hope that I never experience this - sounds like it would make me panic and so stressed! I'd feel like I was going back to being my original weight lol. Of course, like people said you could just be gaining in muscle! That is why you should take measurements rather than just your weight, muscle is denser and so you may actually be getting smaller in size but heavier in weight!

    That's exactly how I felt this morning! Thankfully this site is a great support and many brought me back to reality!!!! Others had been there before and continued to follow the plan and are being very successful! Definitely helps to post your positives and negatives on this site! There's a lot of helpful people out there! :smile:
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks everyone, for your thoughts and insight.

    It was the scale battery. I didn't even know it had a battery.

  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Haha, what a relief! Yeah, whenever you start to get suspiciously erroneous results, the best bet is to change your batteries! I had to change mine last week, my set inform me when they are running low and I never trust any results I get when it's done that ;)

    At least you're not gaining!!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Davey your stats are awesome, way to go!
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