Calorie intake question

After signing up and putting in all my info I got a target calorie intake of 1200. But after 2 days of doing this I am feeling weak and run down. Should I boost myself up to 1400? I think I'm eating pretty healthy foods but I've cut my carbs way down I'm sure. I'm used to having carbs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now I'm eating less carbs and more protein. Could this be why I'm feeling run down? I'm all about loosing some weight but I want to do it in a healthy way so I feel good and don't kill my metabolism. Suggestions??


  • joyceellison
    joyceellison Posts: 20 Member
    You need carbs to get you throw to the next meal have a look at my menu if it helps Joyce
  • Junglejoyce
    Junglejoyce Posts: 49 Member
    If you're going from a high carb diet to a low carb diet, what you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Some people call it the "Atkins flu" because you can feel so crappy. Hang in there. It may last a while, but what is happening is you are converting your body from being a "sugar burner" (high carb) to a "fat burner" (low carb - and more fat). Once your body convert to burning fat for fuel, you will feel great and will not get as hungry.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    okay that makes sense. I don't feel like I'm starving I just feel rundown. But I was a carbaholic so the "Atkins Flu" thing makes sense to me. I'll stick with it and see if I start feeling better.