lower stomach ????

Is there anyone who knows some good exercises for your lower stomach? I do the treadmill and strength training at the gym but nothing is changing that. I was also wondering if anyone has ever had this happen. Well, I've lost a ton of weight, but I'm still the same size. I have lost any inches. I have lost 30lbs in almost 3 months thru diet and exercise (thank god for this site) but my waist and hips and thighs are all the same size as they were when I started.


  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    I do an ball crunches- first straight up and down 3-sets of 15 than side crunches 3 sets of 15 than I hit the floor with a 4lb ball between my knees and just raise my legs up and down slowly never touching your feet to the ground.----I think I'm explaining that right! - 3 sets of 15.

    Good luck
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Strength training will definitely help with toning up. :) My favorites for the abdominal muscles that target the lower abdomen a bit more are reverse curls (can do it on a bench at the gym, on the floor with a balance ball under your legs, or at home on the floor holding onto the couch above your head) and captain's chair leg raise (bend knees up for beginners and straight leg raise for advanced), they're awesome! Other great abdominal exercise are bicycles, planks, and crunches on the balance ball. For my thighs I love squats and step-ups onto a bench or stair, and mixing them in with plyometric squat jumps really helps tone and burn (squat, then jump up and land back in the squat position). Hope this is helpful!! :)