Anyone extreme coupon? Just not like the tv show...

So I watched that extreme couponing show a couple of times over the last couple nights, and I am always one to snag a good deal. I am wondering if anyone else extreme coupons and knocks prices pretty low like the tv show just not as time consuming or outrageous pricing (before coupons are applied) jw thanks much dolls & gents :happy:


  • I've tried. I clip coupons every Sunday but the stores in my area (central Iowa) don't double or triple coupons like on those shows. I use coupons when they are available for items i want but that isn't terrible often: A. most of the coupons are for crappy foods and B. sometimes I find the generic foods are still cheaper.
  • I used to , I would clip coupons and go to Krogers back when they doubled and tripled and get 1000. buck worth of grocerys for under 50.00 . I had a special room I put it in and my family would all come over and *grocery shop* lol. It was a game to me..but I worked in the grocery business for a few years so I would see where you could get free stuff. Now I realize almost everything that has a coupon attached to it nowadays , I will not eat , or feed to my family. its CRAP.
  • I scan through the redplum and whatnot ads, but they are so geared to the female that I hardly find something I like. Mainly I look for 3 things:

    Cat stuff

    As far as food goes, I do not buy name brand, so there is no point.
  • Yeah, I wouldn't buy food with coupons because they only have sales on unhealthy boxed foods. Im talking about personal care, hair makeup, body wash products etc.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    totally off-topic but did you ever notice those hoards of food are full of ramen noodles, candy, chips, and soda type drinks....always found that weird
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    I use coupons but can never get any item free?:sad:
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i print coupons for things I would normally buy, but like others have said its usually cheaper to just buy the generics. coupons for health items are awesome though. bogo buys, free tooth paste, 7 dollars off razors... it all adds up.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    I use coupons when they apply, but I would never use one of those 'buy 24 razors and get 12 free' like you see on Extreme couponing. I'm more a fan of sending for free stuff online. My mailbox is ALWAYS stuffed with samples :)
  • mpmama2re
    mpmama2re Posts: 212 Member
    went to kroger today and my total was $68, with coupons it was $27.. not too bad. but kroger did send me a bunch of free item coupons so those were in there too.
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I use coupons when they apply, but I would never use one of those 'buy 24 razors and get 12 free' like you see on Extreme couponing. I'm more a fan of sending for free stuff online. My mailbox is ALWAYS stuffed with samples :)

    Where do you find those offers?
  • I use coupons but can never get any item free?:sad:

    I was able to get some free stuff. I have a favorite website (something like survivingthestores) that always posts (sometimes one per day) free in store products with the coupons. I went shopping and was able to get free stuff right away. It takes time though, it's hard, but it's worth it with our budget (my family).
  • I would love to learn!!