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Lunch Ideas

anbarnett84 Posts: 2 Member
I work Tuesday through Saturday and don't have a fridge to store food in. I tend to skip lunch for this reason and I know that isn't healthy. I need ideas for things I can take that are low in both carbs and calories. I tend to take a lot of tuna fish and it can get old after a while.

Any ideas or sites that I can get ideas from would be great. Thanks all.


  • Lena639
    Fruit like apples, bananas and kiwis and vegetables like carrots and bell peppers are fine without a fridge, and I usually take a selection of these with me for lunch. :smile: I sometimes also take half an avocado, but I spritz on a little lemon juice to keep it from browning.

    I get my protein by hard boiling an egg in the morning/the night before (then keep overnight in the fridge), or a chicken salad (just lettuce, tomatoes, slices of chicken breast/ham/turkey if you want a change, maybe some cucumber and viniagrette). I'm not a fan of sandwiches, but those keep well too, and one slice of wholemeal bread is only 80ish calories, so that could work :smile:

    Cashew nuts (unsalted) are really tasty and work well as a snack to take to work.