I really miss my cheese!



  • NicoleMikluscak
    Frigo Brand Light Mozarella String Cheese - 60 calories per 1 ounce stick.
    Laughing Cow Light Swiss Cheese Wedge - 35 Calories - works great as a replacement for Butter/Mayo on a sandwich or as a snack with crackers.

    Laughing Cow is awesome and the way to go! I love it - spread it on a tortilla with turkey!
  • kbarker65
    kbarker65 Posts: 22 Member
    Laughing Cow is great stuff. I had it this morning spread on two pieces of light toast with a scrambled egg beater on it. I only needed half the wedge and I got plenty of flavor all for only 165 calories. And it has stuck with me all morning. Very satisfying.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    This is why these diets fail. Deprivation. I haven't given up cheese, or really anything at all. However, I have drasticly reduced all of the bad stuff. Portion Control, Portion Control, Portion Control.
    AMEN :drinker:

    If you give up what you love you will quit in a pretty short amount of time. Don't go looking for the low fat crap either, eat real cheese. Eat what you like and as iplayoutside said, portion control. It's pretty simple really.
  • gummibaehr
    I LOVE cheese. REAL cheese. None of that no-fat, low-fat stuff. Blech! I just watch my portions and only have it once in awhile. There's no need to deprive yourself of the foods you love. You just have to eat them in moderation. One of my favorite snacks is a 1 inch cube of a good, sharp cheddar cheese. 70 calories. No problem.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Babybel light. 50 calories per, satisfying little wheel all wax dipped and ready to gnosh. I have one just about every morning. :smile:
  • kelli_panzera
    I have always been overweight, and always had stomach issues. Around the first of January I found out all the pain I was having was from gallbladder attacks. This had been going on for years. Between January 4th and today, I had cut out all heavy, greasy, high calorie foods in my diet. I LOVE dairy! Cheese was my favorite thing ever, it went on everything. So, it had to go, all the dairy, eggs, and cheese. I had stopped having pains almost immediately, and dropped 10 pounds in no time flat. I had my surgery this past Monday, and when I am craving cheese I go get kraft fat free sharp cheddar shreds, or Cabot 75% reduced fat cheeses. My stomach is no longer upset, and since it doesn't taste as good I don't want so much. But I don't feel like i'm being tormented by NOT being able to eat it! Now if I could just get that emotional need to overeat out of my head, all would be well! :bigsmile: