Hate "Exercise" Need Something Fun

I'm not going to lie, I hate exercise. I'm not lazy, I bustle around my house every day but I hate setting aside time for scheduled exercise. Its cold out with winter coming and walking around in bear country before they hibernate scares the toes right off my feet.

Do any of you have a suggestion of something I can add to my every day life of laundry, dishes, tending live chickens and a big dog that will work in pieces of exercise without it being "exercise" ?


  • OneDayFree
    OneDayFree Posts: 11 Member
    I'm with you - I hate exercise too. I have lost 58 pounds just watching what I eat and drinking tons of water. During the summer I was walking everyday early in the morning just to get out of the house when it was cool and not boiling hot. Now I just well - nothing. :)

    I would enjoy joining you as a friend and helping each other staying focused.

  • RDHome224
    That would be nice. I dont know how to add friends, but you are welcome to add me. My dietician is my only "friend" on here right now lol.

    I have been under a ton of stress lately and working out is just adding insult to my already crazy life. I like playing Dance Dance Revolution, but I live with my boyfriend and his dad and they are just not as into it as I am so I don't get to do much of that. I haven't lost any weight really yet, but I just started watching my calories and fats when I joined this site.

    I have a ton of reasons to go outside its just cold, and my boyfriend saw a bear earlier this week pretty close to here, so walking right now just seems like I'm making myself bait lol
  • NocturnalGirl
    Exercise is not a must for weight loss.
    However, find something that you do like, there are many out there.
    Also, what about lifting weights? It's something I would recommend for everyone who has no condition preventing them from doing it.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Take that dog for a long walk, roller skate, ride a bike to run errands, join a bowling team, or softball team, or take a tennis lesson, or some kind of swimming class or lesson.
    I like yoga. It is not really like exercise in the sense that it is not super strenuous. It is more relaxing, if done right, though it is physical. It is about breathing. Plus, since you can take a class, it can be somewhat social and there is someone to push you a bit if you are feeling lazy.
  • RDHome224
    Lifting outside of my work just makes my entire life seem like work. I work in construction so I get a lot of lifting in. However work you are used to doesn't really belong in "exercise" and I wouldn't get much from lifting weights when I lift and carry 40+ pounds around easily.

    I understand exercise is important, but I literally don't have time or safety at the moment to be out walking or adding more to my dayoutside of what I do, I want to add something inside of what I already do every day
  • risenonlytofall
    Look into classes in your area and try out the ones that sound fun. I hate "set-aside" exercise too, but I've been doing Taekwondo for four years now and I love it. It isn't exercise to me, it's just a fun outing. It did take trying out a few things for me, though, so don't be discouraged if you don't fall in love with the first thing you try.
  • RDHome224
    I'm not a pessimistic person, honestly.

    I can't take a class, I live far from the closest town, and my boyfriend works early to late and can't drive me, aside from the fact that the diet already costs us a difference in money and classes around here ask you to sign away your first born child (dance for a month is 200$ that's insane).

    Walking is out of the question until the bears start to hibernate as we live very near a dump that used to have a ton of bears breaking into their garbage bins, then they started renovating and now the bears can get the garbage and they are apparently fricking hungry.

    I am looking for suggestions that fit into my regular day, like something I can do while I bake bread or do laundry or walk out to take care of my chickens lol
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    JAZZERCISE!!!! I skimmed the thread, but definitely saw something about liking dancing on here.

    Find a class at www.jazzercise.com. I am an instructor, but I have nothing to gain from you joining in your area, as we are all independent. The bottom line is that I think everyone should experience the wonder of this program. You will NOT be sorry!!

    Editing to add that, if classes are out of the question, there are some amazing DVDs (Latin Live, Burlesque, Ballet Body and Dancin' abs to name a few) that you can do at home!!
  • risenonlytofall
    Put some music on and dance during your breaks. Or you can look for free exercise videos on youtube. There are a lot of them in different styles (dance, yoga, boot camp, etc.) so maybe you could try out a different one every day?

    Gearing yourself up and exercising isn't fun or easy when you're not used to it. You might just have to fight your way through it until your body starts anticipating the endorphin rush on its own.
  • RDHome224
    Looking for free vids on YouTube is a great idea I never thought of that.

    Listening to music always gets me moving, I listen and dance when ever I am doing house work, which is why I find it annoying that that sort of exercise isn't on this site.
  • risenonlytofall
    I think there's a Dancing (general) in the database that seems like it should work fine. All of the exercises are just general estimates anyway.
  • BehindBlueEyes988
    Tae Bo!!! I always loved doing those at home when I was starting out. It's more comfortable being in your own place, it's fun, and kicks your butt!! Billy Blanks actually says things useful while pushing yourself instead of being your typical crazy video host. Plus, and he'll say during the DVD, if you need a break to get a drink and catch your breath to just pause the DVD and go about it!
  • briannereynolds
    walk or run your dog. do squats while doing dishes. or sometimes i do squats in the shower when I'm doing nothing better but standing.
  • RDHome224
    My biggest focus in my weight loss right now is my arms and my tummy fat, anything good for that even if I do have to add it to my day?
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Exercise is not a must for weight loss.
    However, find something that you do like, there are many out there.
    Also, what about lifting weights? It's something I would recommend for everyone who has no condition preventing them from doing it.

    I have to disagree. Exercise IS a MUST for weight loss. If you just eat less you will get skinny fat. You will also lose more weight if you combine exercise with your healthy eating plan.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    My biggest focus in my weight loss right now is my arms and my tummy fat, anything good for that even if I do have to add it to my day?

    Well as far as weight loss you are going to lose it where ever it come off . You cant just lose the arms or tummy but you can do things to help those areas. You said you cant afford to go to a class etc....what about some 3-5lb dumbells , they arent too expensive and you can use those to help with your arms...do crunches for the abs....walk in place if you cant walk outside. Dance around....( put on some music and just keep moving and keep the heart rate up) for 20-30 minutes...all doable in your day IF you really are serious. If you want it bad enough you will find a way. I know about being busy and finding time...just find something you will enjoy doing.

    Good luck!
  • RDHome224
    Exercise isn't a must, it is a tool. I want to get some exercise I just can't stand the "set aside" times to do it. I laid in bed for a year eating food and lost 50 pounds once I want to be healthy this time not a hermit lol. You don't have to add exercise to your already straining daily routine, I just want to add flourishes to it, because there are very few people who don't get exercise in their day.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    This may sound crazy, but what did you do for fun as a kid? Often, doing the active things you enjoyed as a kid is a great way to enjoy exercise. When I was a kid, I ice skated. I recently bought a pair of ice skates and got back out onto the ice. I loved it! I have been adding in other things I did in high school and now my exercise doesn't feel like a workout. It is just fun playtime! (I even jump rope, hit a tennis ball against a wall, and I climbed a tree, and played kickball with a big rubber ball)

    You may want to think on how you can add in the fun!
  • RDHome224
    Enjoyment is lacking lately, k really enjoy eating potatoes chips, and after 2 months of not having any I am getting to the point in my diet where I get depressed leaving the grocery store because I want some freaking chips.

    I do lots of things, and if I wasn't serious about losing weight I wouldn't be seeing my dietician lol. Life just sort of sucks at the moment to be completely honest.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Try ice skating. Join a Learn to Skate class. In about 6 months, you'll be good to go for a Learn to Hockey skate class and in 9 months to a year, most adults can join a team.