Ex and Sex

So today I was doing some deep cleaning. I moved in with my current bf a few months ago, before then, he lived here with his ex for about two years. As I was cleaning I found a her planner. She had only written in it for a month but she marked every time they had sex. It was a lot. I'm not sure if that was normal for then bc like I said it was only a month. But anyway, according to that they had sex a lot more often than we do. 5x's a week vs. 1 maybe 2 times a week for us. She also wrote that they fought like every day and we never fight (Make-up sex maybe?). I don't know what I'm doing wrong to not get it very often...... Have you every accidentally found out how much your s.o. and their ex had sex? Was it about the same? More often? Less?


  • Any advice? I have trouble talking to him about stuff like this and I really would like to talk to him about it.
  • bump
  • Sounds to me that they may have only had sex because that was the only thing going for them... seems like you have a deep connection with your s.o
    but hey, maybe he doesn't know that you want to be more active in the relationshio.. buy something sexy and surprise the lucky guy!

    lol at least your getting some ! lol