Are you close to/at your goal?



  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    on the first post I posted about the avacado chocolate pudding I forgot to put an important ingredient in the recipe it is Stevia for a sweetner don't use sugar or your defeating your purpose you also could add a banana for sweetness that is an idea;

    35 yo female from Ottawa. I am battling my last 9 pounds and find it hard to eat less than I am already eating OR excercise more than I am already doing. I'm active 5 days a week, with long walks the other 2 days. I eat about 1500-1700 cals a day (1200 cals plus exercise cals). I have a sweet tooth and generally need to eat A LOT of whatever I am eating to feel full. I suspect I also have a bit of an issue with impulse control ;) Once I even THINK about eating something nasty, it's too late to turn back! When I get chocolate covered almonds at the supermarket, I watch the register and as soon as the casier has put it through, I rip the bag open and start eating, while paying for it :(


    I am looking for friends who are in a similar boat. Close or at their goal weight and needing support because we don't necessarily see large amounts of weight coming off. Or those who also have pig out issues ;) Or anyone who logs in religiously and keeps their food diary open.

    Add me if that's you!
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    Yup! I'm 10 pounds away.

    The last few are so tedious!
  • nicholjenny
    nicholjenny Posts: 74 Member
    That's me! I'm struggling with that last 10 pounds, but I am happy to at least be holding still rather than gaining back. I keep taking my measurements monthly and as long as I see some change there, I'm ok with the number on the scale. Don't get discouraged. Keep working and searching for ways to make progress.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    I have the same problem I am two pounds away from my goal weight but someone posted a good helpful web site on here that I have used to help me it is The Smarter Science of Slim it has a lot of good recipes that helps to keep your weight down after all of our hard work the last thing we want to do is gain it all back. It is a life style change not just a diet. I have lost and gained weight so many times but this time I am more determined than ever to keep it off. I also utilize youtube and type in green smoothie recipes and it showes you how to make them smoothies have helped me to get my weight off. There is a a recipe I found I want to try with Avacodo's, it is actually chocolate pudding made with avacado. You can type in for that recipe too. I think it is one avacado, unsweet cocanut, stevia for sweetness, teaspoon of vanilla, half cup of unsweet cocoa some chopped nuts, walnuts or pecans. You can add a small amount of cocanut milk or almond milk or silk which ever you prefere to make it the consistancy you want, just play with the recipes I do. There is a recipe for black bean brownies to. Just type int he recipe on the youtube site and a lot of nonfat or green recipes will come up to try be creative. The last 15 lbs. were the hardest for me to loose but we can do it if we don't give in or give up. Best wishes on your journey stay healthy. Geni

    35 yo female from Ottawa. I am battling my last 9 pounds and find it hard to eat less than I am already eating OR excercise more than I am already doing. I'm active 5 days a week, with long walks the other 2 days. I eat about 1500-1700 cals a day (1200 cals plus exercise cals). I have a sweet tooth and generally need to eat A LOT of whatever I am eating to feel full. I suspect I also have a bit of an issue with impulse control ;) Once I even THINK about eating something nasty, it's too late to turn back! When I get chocolate covered almonds at the supermarket, I watch the register and as soon as the casier has put it through, I rip the bag open and start eating, while paying for it :(


    I am looking for friends who are in a similar boat. Close or at their goal weight and needing support because we don't necessarily see large amounts of weight coming off. Or those who also have pig out issues ;) Or anyone who logs in religiously and keeps their food diary open.

    Add me if that's you!
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I'm working on my last ten pounds, as I want to get to 199, and am currently fluctuating around 209-211.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    , I had the same problem a good site to use it The Greater Science Of Slim some else posted on here and eating green on you tube they demonstrate some good recipes that helped me green smoothies are a good way to loose and keep it off and you get so much nutrition too you can make a smoothie with bananas and spinish and other ingredients just play with it. I also add cinammon, and fresh ginger cilentro and parcely and apples to my smoothies, with conanut milk or almond milk unsweetened of course I also use Stevia sweetner as I have A SWEET TOOTH
    I'm sort of in the same boat, mine is I've got 9lb to I've come off track altogether and finding it hard to get back on it,

    I'm happy with my size but not happy with my weight, so maybe deep down I'm happy???

    Hope someone replies with some help to get us back to loosing those last lbs, good luck xx
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    , I had the same problem a good site to use it The Greater Science Of Slim some else posted on here and eating green on you tube they demonstrate some good recipes that helped me green smoothies are a good way to loose and keep it off and you get so much nutrition too you can make a smoothie with bananas and spinish and other ingredients just play with it. I also add cinammon, and fresh ginger cilentro and parcely and apples to my smoothies, with conanut milk or almond milk unsweetened of course I also use Stevia sweetner as I have A SWEET TOOTH, also do peach and banana smoothie or banana and strawberrie which ever you prefere. Hope this helps. Genbi
    I'm sort of in the same boat, mine is I've got 9lb to I've come off track altogether and finding it hard to get back on it,

    I'm happy with my size but not happy with my weight, so maybe deep down I'm happy???

    Hope someone replies with some help to get us back to loosing those last lbs, good luck xx
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I am trying to lose my last 15ish lbs., and I also have a huge sweet tooth. I absolutely love chocolate and pastries, and I can't seem to stop eating either of them :( You can add me if you'd like :)
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've been fighting the last 10lbs since about August. At the rate I'm going, it'll be next August before it finally comes off :tongue:

    And yes, it can be really frustrating!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    2lb to go

    An MFP pal recommended that I up my calories the nearer I got to goal, and I currently eat 1640 net (I eat back my exercise calories). I am hoping that this aids my slide into maintenance.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    I'm close, except I have a bad tendency 3 days a week to binge eat and massive binge drink...

    I do intermittent fasting and it really works... My weight loss doesn't "stall" but my weekends I pick up a fair amount back lol!

    I could skip the weekends, but you know.. you can't really enjoy a party without getting drunk.. well I can't anyway... And when drunk I eat a lot... and this the party season now so ummm yea... Average about a pound to 2 pounds a week now, if I didn't party a bit, I likely would be at 4-6 pounds a week loss... Which means 2 weeks or so my goal weight maybe 3 weeks... but nah.. I can't NOT enjoy my beer or whisky or cupcakes etc... lol :/

    I figure I can do it if pushed, but why race it? Just having the knowledge that I can is enough to keep going... I eat 1200-1500c a day depending on training, don't eat all training cals back, sometimes I do and sometimes I eat over and lose consistently on IF...

    My weekends I eat maybe 3000-5000c a day, so that kind of ruins it... but I figure if losing "healthy" amount each week, then to hell with caution and I just get drunk lol... but yea, my thoughts do make me feel guilty... I mean, a nutella pizza... was awesome! But don't wanna think of calc the calories.. not to mention beers + normal pizza + salad I had at same meal haha
  • fit_ash
    fit_ash Posts: 20 Member
    I've lost 44 pounds till now. Cant believe it! I am at my last 10 pounds. I'm starting insanity tomorrow so I hope that helps drop off the pounds and tone me up a little as well. Lets hope I can drop these pounds before a wedding in February. I want to wear something sexy!
  • mmahair
    I am a long way from my goal, but more encouraged than ever! I have lost close to 40 pounds and I feel like a different person and for the first time in my life I believe I can do it, without starving or missing out. I am excited and positive about it and I will continue to move forward!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Hello. I'm 10 pounds away from my goal. Feel free to add me.
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I'm ~15lbs from goal... and I've been there for over a year! I'm frustrated because when I go way off track and eat just for months, I stay the same. When I'm careful and track and work out, I stay the same.

    I decided to switch focus and work on building strength for the next few months, make that a routine, and then zero back in a stricter diet.

    At least I feel comfortable at this size. It's not my ideal, but I feel like "me".

    Oh and OP, I'm from Ottawa too! Living in Alberta now, but Ottawa will always be home :)