Cosmetic Surgery - Large Weight Loss

Are those of you who have lost a large amounts of weight(80+) finding that cosmetic surgery is the only way to remove loose skin and/or tummy tucks


  • Westbury84
    Westbury84 Posts: 13 Member
    wow, no one has run into this
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I haven't lost 80+ lbs... but I'll be getting a tummy tuck after 50 lbs. lost lol
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    Good question. I would like to hear from those that tightened up without surgery.
  • ajcamber
    ajcamber Posts: 89 Member
    I would love to know the answer to that, I've lost 80+ lbs so far, still have a way to go but I definitely have skin issues :(
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    In the end I will have lost 188lbs (at least), and I know for sure that I'll be getting things nipped, tucked, lifted, and sucked if needed. The 'girls' will need it for sure!
  • I have lost over 40kg and have been at goal for almost 2years. It is only now that I have been working out and have been burning off the last few kg that I can see that I may look into skin removal...

    Having said that my skin has come back A LOT in the last two years and if I was happy to stay slightly solid and on the top of my HWR this would not be a problem. I would most likely only have my tummy and arms tightened because I have worked blooming hard and am continuing to work hard on my body and I would like to not be held back by changes that I cannot make to my body such as the loose skin on my tummy and arms..

    I wish I hadn't damaged my body in the first place but I did and as my body tightens underneath my skin is becoming looser so I would like to at least talk to someone about my options...I always thought I would rather have a little loose skin than scars but now my views are changing on what I would like to do with myself..

    Having said that I won't be jumping into it and will instead be working to contour my body further and seeing what it looks like in another 6 months when I have built up more muscles and slimmed down slightly more.

    I went from 105kilos down to 65kilos :)

    Cheers, Bel
  • I have been waiting for this thread for years. WIfey keeps insisting on cosmetic surgery. I have a few friends that were successful with lotions (for skin tightening) and toning. What is the answer? Probably depends on the willingness, determination of the individual and how the skin reacts, genetics.
  • Tamekia770
    Tamekia770 Posts: 25 Member
    I can't wait to read this! and I am with Cherry, when I hit my goal I will have lost 107 lbs and if needed, I am getting what will be needed, I will be making appointments @ 100 pounds getting ready, for lipo, tucked here, pull there, pinch here,and sucked there...lmbo, I will be in line and all smiles...
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Are those of you who have lost a large amounts of weight(80+) finding that cosmetic surgery is the only way to remove loose skin and/or tummy tucks

    I went to a dermatologist, she informed me of the following.

    Doc: I do not recommend surgery for anyone unless it's a extreme case, it's very dangerous and people have died from it. Just give it time and your skin will gain back it's elasticity.

    That was pretty much it, when she told me people have died and it was more serious than a boob job that pretty much killed my thoughts of ever getting it done. It's also very expensive apparently... I didn't bother asking for a price.

    On the + side she told me my case isn't extreme at all and maybe to slow down my weight loss which I have been trying to do.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I have lost 120 pounds..and I am 50 years old. I really don't have to much extra skin. I have a little under my arms...and a little on my inner thigh. I would like to have my breast skin removed. I went from a 42 G to a 34 B
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    A friend had 6 babies (not at once) but her tiny little frame (5' on a good day) just didn't have a lot of room for babies to grow. So her belly got REALLY stretched out. After she was sure they were done having babies, she began focussing on returning to a healthy body (her weight wasn't horrible, but she was out of shape). She worked like a feind, looked amazing, but she had skin literally folding over on itself on her abdomen. She had to go in for another procedure, and had them do a mild tummy tuck in the process. She still has stretch marks, but no more overlapping skin. I don't have remotely close to that issue, and i'd LOVE to get the skin tightened on my tummy. . .and breast augmentation, and a brow lift, and. . . . ;-)
  • Heather1899
    Heather1899 Posts: 179 Member
    I've lost over 100 pounds...Like I started at 312 and now am 185ish.
    I never had surgery. Wearing clothes, you would never guess that I weighed more than I did. At least that is what others tell me.
    Some skin annoys I don't like my upper arms. I don't know if that is loose skin or fat though?
    I have some pics on my in a tankini. I don't think my stomach looks good enough for a bikini but I am not sure if that is due to extra skin or just more fat that I could lose.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have lost 265 lbs and have loose skin but don't care about it. I'm just glad to feel great now. If I had unlimited money I would do a boob job ( but I wanted one of those before I lost weight). Other than that as long as hubby is happy with my saggy bod then life is good.
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I have not lost a huge amount that a lot on here have but in May at the weight of 187 I had a tummy tuck done because of how bad the skin was on my stomach. It hurt so bad to run and do cardio that there were times I was in tears. I did everything I could before hand to tighten it up and nothing. I had had 4 abdominal surgeries prior though due to various reasons and when I had my c/s things were not done the right way. I had separation of the abdominal wall also. I still have loose skin in my arms and my thighs were pulled up a bit during the surgery but nothing major. I could still stand to have a few more procedures done but I am waiting till I have lost the rest of my weight.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I have a friend who lost about 100 pounds. He had some lose skin, not too much but he hated it. He's gay and gay community is pretty competitive, and very much gym friendly. Hs skin wasn't attractive and it was on his way to find a boyfriend.
    About 2 years later he lest have any lose kin, he looks really good, has pod muscles, 6 pack. He said he went o gym, dd some massages and skin tightening procedures, and skin care.

    I also know that good massage is necessary during a weight loss, at least once a week... It'll help with the weight loss and with the skin.
    Are those of you who have lost a large amounts of weight(80+) finding that cosmetic surgery is the only way to remove loose skin and/or tummy tucks

    I went to a dermatologist, she informed me of the following.

    Doc: I do not recommend surgery for anyone unless it's a extreme case, it's very dangerous and people have died from it. Just give it time and your skin will gain back it's elasticity.

    That was pretty much it, when she told me people have died and it was more serious than a boob job that pretty much killed my thoughts of ever getting it done. It's also very expensive apparently... I didn't bother asking for a price.

    On the + side she told me my case isn't extreme at all and maybe to slow down my weight loss which I have been trying to do.
  • Westbury84
    Westbury84 Posts: 13 Member
  • Westbury84
    Westbury84 Posts: 13 Member
    Are those of you who have lost a large amounts of weight(80+) finding that cosmetic surgery is the only way to remove loose skin and/or tummy tucks

    I went to a dermatologist, she informed me of the following.

    Doc: I do not recommend surgery for anyone unless it's a extreme case, it's very dangerous and people have died from it. Just give it time and your skin will gain back it's elasticity.

    That was pretty much it, when she told me people have died and it was more serious than a boob job that pretty much killed my thoughts of ever getting it done. It's also very expensive apparently... I didn't bother asking for a price.

    On the + side she told me my case isn't extreme at all and maybe to slow down my weight loss which I have been trying to do.

    Thanks for the information
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I definitley have some loose skin. Would i get surgery for it? No. Not worth the money or risk to me. I'll share a picture in a bikini so you can see the loose skin. There is a bit on my upper thighs and then my stomach. But i also had 2 kids back to back so some of that is from them. Be nice people, its not great.

  • You look great, fantastic job! This is something I've wondered about, since I will have lost over 200 by the time I'm done. But I've decided not to worry about it until I get there, because there's no point in worrying about it now. You've given me some hope though sweetpea, you are beautiful!
  • I lost 90lbs back when I was 21, no cosmetic surgery for me except my improvement on the breast area lol