newish to MFP and would like to add some friends

About me...Im 2.5 months from 40 and just trying to be the best I can be. I have a new love for running OCR's, 5k's, lifting weights, and am fighting hard to get under 10%bf. 22 months ago I was 211lbs @32% bf and couldn't climb the stairs in my own home without getting winded. My first goal was to get under 200, after following my wife on a structured diet I got to 184 @ 24%. The 500 cal HCG diet took me to 169. At that time looking at myself I realized that just loosing weight wasnt enough, so 12 months ago I started at the gym. Now I'm 177 @ somewhere around 14% bf. Its been a long road and I've accomplished many set goals, but at some point (i cant pinpoint when) I changed my life. I say this meaning it was no longer a "diet" but a new outlook. Im looking for like minded friends no matter were in the process of transformation you are! This site is good for calorie tracking, but lets see if I can get more out of it.