Lunch help for on the road, pitas, etc

Hi all. I am looking for something different to eat. I have been changing my eating habits for around a year or so now.
I drive bus for a living and have a short time at my destination for an early lunch break, usually not much time to eat. I tried different pita recipes and they got to the point I wasn't looking forward to making them. Then, I'd have to eat the same thing til it was gone, 4 to 6 days straight. And some recipes would go bad before i could even finish them. So. I decided to just do lettuce salad pitas, with different lo-cal lo-fat dressings, plus Bac-Os, raisins, like that, to change them up and have been happy with that, have used high fiber pitas too.
But now an looking for something else besides a salad pita every day. Something filling and healthy. I do like the portability of a pita, so am leaning more towards something different to put in a pita. Have never tried hummus, is that something that would be good? I don't know much about it, so need really basic info on that. I have done a little dabbling with tofu, not sure if that is something I could look in to as well. Would rather have something where I don't have to mix up a recipe, something close to being as easy as throwing lettuce into a pita and dressing it up a bit.
I am watching cholesterol intake more than anything, so this could be vegan. I am not a vegan but have found I don't really have a big hangup with skipping meat or dairy, no big deal.
I get a good dose of fiber by having original Fiber 1 cereal every morning for breakfast.
Not sure what else anyone would need to know to advise me, my Dr got me started watching my intake because he is getting concerned about my cholesterol, it's not alarmingly high but he is getting concerned. My HDL is now at a good level, but my HDL continues to be too high.