3 weeks and still going!!

Hi I'm Ashley. I'm a single mother of two children and I work at a food addicts nightmare...McDonalds! It has been soooooo hard trying to lose weight and work at my all time favorite fast food place. Somedays it is downright torture. I have not had anything but a salad or some apple dippers from work in 23 days... not one french fry, not one mac wrap, nothing. I almost gave in today though. Today I was really rushed to pick up sick baby right after work, so I could not sit down and eat my salad like normal. So I almost went for a snack wrap and a small fry... but I decided I would not feel right about doing that so I choose to still get a salad with the chicken on the side and I took it home and ate it there! Besides the obvious reason of having the food starring at me, calling me to eat it... the other reason it is so hard to diet is because my breaks are not scheduled. I generally eat something small and easy on the go right before work (banana, special k bar, etc), but that only holds me over so long. I work 7-2 so generally my break is about 9am. I take in some yogurt and eggs or a mini bagel. But then I go 5 hours before I can eat my salad and I get sooooo hungry. Sometimes it gets so bad I get a headache and start to feel dizzy and then when I eat I feel better. Today that happened early though because my break wasn't until almost 11am. So I went from 6:45-11 with only some apple slices which were about 35 calories. Anyway, it's been hard but I'm still going. I've lost 15 pounds in these last few weeks and I still have 70 to go till goal. I see people making mini goals so I thought I'd do the same...

Starting weight...265
Mini Goal 1... 240 by March 29, 2010
Mini Goal 2... 220 by June 7, 2010
Mini Goal 3... 200 by August 16, 2010
Ultimate Goal... 180 by October 25, 2010


  • kheape
    kheape Posts: 4
    WAY TO GO!! I REALLY admire your drive. It has got to be difficult to stay on course when you work at a fast food. Try to find a way to not let yourself get to the point of a headach and dizziness. It's been a while since I went to McDonalds, but isn't there a grilled chicken that you could have without mayo. That shouldn't be that many calories and you can eat it on the go. Maybe even slice it into 1 inch strips so it will be easy to grab and seem like more to eat. I've been hungry enough that it made me ill and it just makes me eat that much more when I get the chance. With all you have earned I'd hate to see you over eat because of waiting too long. Best of luck and keep up the good work!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hi, its been 3 weeks for me too! im down 10lbs. thats gta suck working at mcdonalds.....i cant imagine! i have a hard time driving past those places!! good job on the weight loss and keep up the good work!!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Wow! That is some serious will power, to work there and still lose as much weight as you have. And excellent job not giving in today! Personally, the only fast-food food I crave alll the time when I'm trying to be healthy is french fries. And I drive past McDonalds every single day, and it is hard enough not to pull through the drive through - let alone work there!
    About not feeling full - I understand not eating a ton first thing in the morning. I'm not a fan myself. But maybe try something quick and easy and slightly more filling before you leave? When I'm in a hurry I like the lite whole wheat English Muffin and some peanut butter. And maybe on your break go for something a little more filling or high in fiber. I've recently started eating oatmeal in the mornings and it keeps me full for 3-4 hours. I actually saw a post here a few days ago (I can't remember who posted it) that is simply a single serving of Maple and Brown Sugar instant oatmeal and unsweetened applesauce. it is actually *really* good and I'm not an oatmeal fan.
    You're doing awesome!! Keep up the great work!
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I eat a bowl of oatmeal with a healthy spoon full of cinnamon in it. It really staves off hunger. It might just be me, but it works! Getting used to the cinnamon in the oatmeal without sugar takes a little getting used to so don't overload it at first, work up to a good teaspoon in a bowl.

    good luck...very proud of you - you deserve good health, keep it up!