OMG I'm hungry......................what would you do?



  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    If I had 2000 calories a day to eat I would go on an extreme binge and eat everything I can find. My budget is 1350 so 2000 sounds like heaven.

    I would for sure be very hungry at that cal count. My bmi is over 60 my BMR is 3000 cal so I try to get under 2000 without eating back my exercise cal
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    i just posted a topic on hot tea and how it is satisfying when i feel small pangs of hunger.

    other than that..popcorn is relatively low calorie and you can eat a big bowl.

    broth based soups are also relatively low cal and filling.

    sounds like you're already drinking a lot of water, which is good.

    good luck!

    Oh forgot to offer that I need to watch my sodium intake as well as I tend to hold water really easy so I try to track that along with my cal count and today I will be pushing that limit of sodium as I plan on having soup for supper
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    If you are truly hungry, then eat, just keep it reasonable. Drink a couple glasses of water and eat a huge salad with some protein. Lots of greens with 3-4 oz of protein and 1 T of dressing isn't going to add that much in terms of calories.

    thats pretty much what my lunch was minus the dressing (I'm not a dressing or gravy fan)
  • twright513
    Drink water, eat something small - like a piece of fruit. Or drink coffee (w/o sugar ) :)
    good luck!
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    If you like pickles, they are my go-to nearly no calorie nosh. Almost any veggie is great, and healthy.

    But really, what do your consumption numbers over a week look like. I'm sure you stay well within your targets and can spare to go over on a day. I just looked at your intake for a week. You're fine if you satisfy your hunger sensibly. You have to look at the bigger picture. Not just one day.

    Never really thought about look at a whole week vs one day before
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I just looked through 10 days of your food diary. Your calories are ok and you will lose weight but the quality of food will probably leave you hungry which for some (ME!) leads to not sticking to my calories because I'm starving!

    Some tips:

    You are going through some major sugar swings. Lots of sugared cereals for breakfast which will cause a crash a couple of hours later and lots of hunger.

    You are eating some protein at each meal which is good but not enough. Up your protein to 4 ounces a meal (4 ounces of beef, chicken, turkey, etc.) It won't increase your calories by too much but will help to keep you satisfied.

    Consider more dense carbs to help you stay satisfied. Things like whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, veggies (fresh or frozen), fruit (fresh or frozen.)

    You can do this! You are on your way. Just tweaking your diet some should help you stay satieted.

    EXACTLY THIS... you need to change up your diet some.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    You could have a glass of water as dehydration can often be mistaken for hunger. Eat a piece of fruit such as a Satsuma too, or a few nuts.

    never heard of satsuma...........what does it taste like?
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    protein shake, cheese stick, something like brown rice and water, so it expands in your stomach and feels satiating.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    I just looked through 10 days of your food diary. Your calories are ok and you will lose weight but the quality of food will probably leave you hungry which for some (ME!) leads to not sticking to my calories because I'm starving!

    Some tips:

    You are going through some major sugar swings. Lots of sugared cereals for breakfast which will cause a crash a couple of hours later and lots of hunger.

    You are eating some protein at each meal which is good but not enough. Up your protein to 4 ounces a meal (4 ounces of beef, chicken, turkey, etc.) It won't increase your calories by too much but will help to keep you satisfied.

    Consider more dense carbs to help you stay satisfied. Things like whole grain breads, whole grain pastas, veggies (fresh or frozen), fruit (fresh or frozen.)

    You can do this! You are on your way. Just tweaking your diet some should help you stay satieted.

    I do have some gluten issues so I do some subbituting for that. Ie any pasta listed is always gluten free including ones from like hamburger helper

    also I was told by my doc not to go over 3oz of meat at one setting
  • teresa_c
    that happens to me sometimes. usually I drink some water and have some almonds or pecans (like 5 or six) and the healthy fat gives me the satiated feeling I'm after. If you feel like you are eating food that is high in fiber and not just empty calories, it could be that you need to eat back more of your exercise calories on those days that you are still feeling hungry at 2,000.

    feel free to add me as a friend - would love to support you and vice versa...
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Looking at your diary you still have 800 calories left for today, so no need to panic. It would be helpful if you calculated your TDEE, BMR etc to see what your calorie goal should be. It is possible that you need to hit 2000 calories for your current weight and level of activity and that may be why you are hungry. The most obvious answer is "if you are hungry, EAT".

    If you really want your weight loss goals to be successful you, should begin by picking a reasonable calorie deficit. I notice that on many days you were hundreds of calories below 2000 calories and also quite a bit below your protein goals. You can do that for a few days but over many days or weeks of eating significantly under your calorie needs, that hunger signal will kick in, as you are experiencing now. My immediate suggestion would be to add more lean protein to your diet.

    And remember, you do not need to fall significantly under your calorie goals to slowly and consistently lose weight, so it might help to start with those calculations and work from there.

    so my tdee is 1950 cal a day. and my doc has advised 70-90g protein per day
  • CoffeeCriss
    Try a low-cal filling, satisfying snack.

    This is what I sometimes have: Babybel Cheese - Babybel Mini Light, Celery - Raw, 2 stalk, medium (7-1/2" - 8" long), Generic - Pistachio Nut, Dry Roasted, Salted, 20 Kernels = 65 cals.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member

    I've also heard that about drinking water. One thing I do is flavor my water with naturally with different fruits and a lot of lemons. It has helped me a ton with curbing my appetite. Also, there are these pop chips that are 120 calories for 23 of them and they come in many flavors. For me it is getting quantity for my calories, so I always look for these types of snacks. And eating things slowly too is helpful Not to say i don't have my "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse"

    I just bought some popchips the last time I went shopping. I gave them a try and they are yummy and I tend to have my fill of them after about 11 chips. Which is different for me because before I would need more than just that for me to feel satified on eatting chips
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    If I had 2000 calories a day to eat I would go on an extreme binge and eat everything I can find. My budget is 1350 so 2000 sounds like heaven.

    I would for sure be very hungry at that cal count. My bmi is over 60 my BMR is 3000 cal so I try to get under 2000 without eating back my exercise cal

    That's why you're so hungry. What I would do is I'd calculate my TDEE with an activity factor, i.e. the total number of calories you burn each day including through exercise, and subtract 30% from that, and eat that many calories daily. You will still lose fat at a steady rate, but you won't be plagued by hunger, so you'll find it a lot less torturous and easier to stick to. You don't have to torture yourself to lose fat, in fact those who are best at maintaining are those who take the slow and steady route, because their eating and exercise plans don't feel like torture, they enjoy eating, do exercise they enjoy and don't feel hungry all the time. Think tortoise and hare, because that really applies to losing fat and keeping it off for life.

    You're in this for the long haul, so you need to think not about "how can I get rid of this fat as quickly as possible" but more about "how can I get this fat to stay off forever" - the second question highlights the fact that whatever changes you make to lose fat, you will have to stick to, unless you want to gain the weight back again. So make changes that you can stick to and that are not going to make you miserable. Then by the time you get to your goal weight, you'll be well and truly set in your new and healthy ways, and keeping the fat off long term will be easy.
  • nogoldilocs
    nogoldilocs Posts: 87 Member
    If I had 2000 calories a day to eat I would go on an extreme binge and eat everything I can find. My budget is 1350 so 2000 sounds like heaven.

    I would for sure be very hungry at that cal count. My bmi is over 60 my BMR is 3000 cal so I try to get under 2000 without eating back my exercise cal

    If your BMR is 3000 calories, then eating under 2000 calories and not eating exercise calories is the reason you are so hungry. It sounds like you need to eat more.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    protein shake, cheese stick, something like brown rice and water, so it expands in your stomach and feels satiating.

    I've tried a few protein shakes but have yet to find one that taste good. I am picky and to me if it taste gross I'm not eating. Ie: I don't like chocolate cake thus I don't eat it, same way with broccoli though too.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'd make it a maintenance day and resume 2000 tomorrow.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    Only on the internet do we ask what to do when hungry. fricking eat LOL
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Looking at your diary you still have 800 calories left for today, so no need to panic. It would be helpful if you calculated your TDEE, BMR etc to see what your calorie goal should be. It is possible that you need to hit 2000 calories for your current weight and level of activity and that may be why you are hungry. The most obvious answer is "if you are hungry, EAT".

    If you really want your weight loss goals to be successful you, should begin by picking a reasonable calorie deficit. I notice that on many days you were hundreds of calories below 2000 calories and also quite a bit below your protein goals. You can do that for a few days but over many days or weeks of eating significantly under your calorie needs, that hunger signal will kick in, as you are experiencing now. My immediate suggestion would be to add more lean protein to your diet.

    And remember, you do not need to fall significantly under your calorie goals to slowly and consistently lose weight, so it might help to start with those calculations and work from there.

    so my tdee is 1950 cal a day. and my doc has advised 70-90g protein per day

    If your BMR is 3000 your TDEE cannot possibly be 1950. You need do do the numbers again..

    BMR = calories your body uses staying alive (i.e. what you'd burn if you were in a coma)

    TDEE = BMR calories + all the calories you use moving around and doing stuff (including exercise), i.e. total number of calories burned each day
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I would drink a large glass of water and see how I felt in about 20 minutes but I would definately try to get preoccupied in an interesting activity of some kind. Preferably something physical. Look over your diary and see if any foods you're choosing may cause cravings which I classify as mental hunger and not true physical hunger.