Hello there

Having become rather fat as a result of a broken arm (no running or cycling for six weeks coupled with a love of baking) I've decided to reign things in a little... which in my case means purchasing a set of bathroom scales, setting up spreadsheets and devising an exercise plan.

The plan is that by new year I want to be back in the normal weight range for my height... or to be more specific to be in the normal weight range taking into account body fat to lean muscle ratios. I've been making use of the food planner and adding/correcting things as I go, hopefully this will be a pretty useful tool.


  • thethingirlinside
    Add me if you would like i log in every day since Oct loss nothing but have made some changes so I will.see ..we all need motovatial freinds it dose help..the people on here are awesome and have help.me in so many differant ways I'm so greatfull to all of them