I'm hungry all the time, and gaining.



  • Ap105786
    Ap105786 Posts: 7 Member

    9) Exercise - fat continues to burn after you exercise and even when you sleep

    I found this one quite interesting because it involved steady-state cardio rather than high intensity.
    Again, it had been done in mass studies but this one tested the presenter of the show for real-life purposes.
    The presenter never did much exercise, and so was tested one morning for how much fat he burned for a base rate.
    He was then asked to do brisk walking, not too strenuous, for 90 minutes. He burned 19 grams of fat during this session. However, overnight, he burned an extra 49 grams because of the after burn. This is because, as the glycogen in the muscles was depleted, the body had to use a different fuel for not-so-strenuous tasks like just living, and in this case, fat.
    It takes up to 22-24 hours for the body to replenish glycogen in muscles, and in this time after an exercise session, it uses up fat stores instead.

    I found this interesting and will definitely keep this in mind!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Exercise more and/or increase your protein.
  • FCHW
    FCHW Posts: 35
    Eat a lot of slow-digestion carbs. So a lot of veggies like all the time. Constantly grazing. Also, you might be confusing hungriness with boredom or thirst. Make sure you chug water like all the time. :)
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    How long have you been back to this routine? It generally takes 5 days for the "hungry" feeling to go away when you reduce your caloric intake. If it's been more than 5 days, maybe you should aim for an intermediate calorie limit, get used to that, and then reduce further. If you have time to add more exercise, you could add back those calories. Another thing that I've noticed is that I am less hungry when I keep myself busy.

    I'm in the same position as the original poster and I agree with this completely. Once I'm in the swing of eating too much it takes at least a week or two of staying under my cal limit to really lock in. Also- protein, protein, protein. Carb crashes are one of my biggest problems, if I'm close to 25% protein 25% fat 50% carb I can get through a day on 1400-1600 cals without feeling starved. It's hard to hit those numbers if you're not a big meat eater though. Good luck!