About to start running...



  • You can do it. Just get your breathing down and you will be fine :)
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    I did it! I ran (well, i jogged very slowly) for nearly a whole 30mins

    I would say 20mins was jogging, 10mins was getting started and getting back.

    i just concentrated on the 1234 of my feet tapping the pavement and when i felt like i couldnt go on, i tried to make it to the next lamp post, then the next one, then the next one.

    And i did it :) I will do a running map thingy now and work out exactly how far i ran x
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you made it through half an hour you're doing better than when I started running. I could barely make it around the block.

    Most running injuries are a result of too much, too soon to fast. Be consistent, run 3 or 4 times a week but build your distances slowly. Listen to your body & have fun.

    BTW - I'm training for my 4th half marathon next January and first full marathon next May......you can do it!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Thanks! I dont think i overdid it, I run literally a tiny bit faster than i walk... going to get myself into a comfortable groove with it and then try and up the pace naturally (thats what a running friend told me to do last time i started and it worked really well ;) )

    I also do strength-building belly dancing workshops 2 or 3 times a week... which helps i think!
  • That's kind of what I did and it has worked great for me. I spent a lot of time initially working on my stride and pace. Once I started to feel comfortable I slowly started increasing the pace. And I still increase it only enough so that I don't wind up hating it.

    And props on the belly dancing!!!!! I've been trying to get my wife to do that for years! I am sure your husband appreciates it!!! LOL
  • kinrsa
    kinrsa Posts: 111 Member
    Most people won't care, won't even notice you, and those that do - most of them will be either silently encouraging you, or wishing they could do the same.

    I silently cheer for people I see running; especially the ones that I haven't seen before that look like they're just starting out. Good for you! Keep at it!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Great job, FeebRyan! I was just commenting to share my $0.02 on other people watching you: Other runners (or active people in general) will be cheering you on, just for getting out there and going, regardless of how you look or how fast/slow you're going or whatever. As for the non-active people, does their opinion matter? What are they doing? YOU are the one taking control of your life and making changes for the better!

    Good luck and happy running! :drinker:

    (And I have done both belly dancing and pole dancing, and I highly recommend both! They are great, full-body workouts, and a wonderful way for women to unleash the sexy goddess within!) :happy:
  • Things I wish I knew before I started running:

    1. Pay to have your gait done at a running store and purchase actual running shoes.
    2. Hydrate well throughout the day.
    3. Don't tie your shoes too tight or too loose b/c it impacts the way you run.
    4. If your shins/body hurt, STOP. (I was out 5 months due to a stress fracture b/c I didn't stop)
    5. Make a beginners running plan and record your times after each run. It is AMAZING to see your progress and helps motivate you for your next run.
    6. Once you start running longer distances, it is IMPORTANT to take rest days. Running is very hard on your body and it will need rest. Do not do 2 "long runs" on back to back days. Allow for rest.
    7. Cross train- On your off days from running, take a spin class or do the stair stepper. You will be amazed how your stamina improves. :-)
  • Go for it. Don't worry what people think or say. Just remember, you are lapping everyone who is sitting on couch. Won't say it will be easy. Don't push to hard at first. Build up to it and best of luck to you!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    No matter how far or fast you go, no matter how you look or what people think, do it for you. Do what you can and push yourself to do what you know you can do. It will be worth it. And you will feel amazing.
  • baxgilter
    baxgilter Posts: 246 Member
    Just ordered a sports bra
    pair of decent running shoes
    2x pair of pants
    training t-shirt

    I already have a watch with a bit that goes in your shoe and tells you have far you have gone etc (need to make a little pouch for it though)

    So.... Wednesday morning - I am Off On A Run

    Please tell me I wont look fat, stupid, ugly and horrid

    that i wont be laughed at by people going to work

    that it will make me feel healthier and better

    that I wil enjoy it... lol

    Who cares if you look fat, stupid, ugly, or horrid, or if people laugh. At least you are out there getting your workout on to make yourself healthier. I can gurantee that is more then the people who would think such things or laugh at you. Have fun!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Things I wish I knew before I started running:

    1. Pay to have your gait done at a running store and purchase actual running shoes.
    2. Hydrate well throughout the day.
    3. Don't tie your shoes too tight or too loose b/c it impacts the way you run.
    4. If your shins/body hurt, STOP. (I was out 5 months due to a stress fracture b/c I didn't stop)
    5. Make a beginners running plan and record your times after each run. It is AMAZING to see your progress and helps motivate you for your next run.
    6. Once you start running longer distances, it is IMPORTANT to take rest days. Running is very hard on your body and it will need rest. Do not do 2 "long runs" on back to back days. Allow for rest.
    7. Cross train- On your off days from running, take a spin class or do the stair stepper. You will be amazed how your stamina improves. :-)

    These are great, CharMarieDavis! I feel like I should print them off and put them on my fridge! :laugh:
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Oh i got a 'nod' from a fellow jogger too :) Which was pretty cool!
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    Just wanted to say, I love this thread. :) I'm on Couch to 5K, and I've stalled at Week 4, Day 1 -- I just can't make it through that second 4-minute run/jog (I jog slow - my endurance is pretty sad, really). So it's great to read about all the fun other people have running. It makes me sad I'm stuck at my desk job until late tonight. I want to go out and do something now! ;)
  • Just ordered a sports bra
    pair of decent running shoes
    2x pair of pants
    training t-shirt

    I already have a watch with a bit that goes in your shoe and tells you have far you have gone etc (need to make a little pouch for it though)

    So.... Wednesday morning - I am Off On A Run

    Please tell me I wont look fat, stupid, ugly and horrid

    that i wont be laughed at by people going to work

    that it will make me feel healthier and better

    that I wil enjoy it... lol
  • The things they will be saying:

    "Wow, look at her! Wish I could do that!"

    "I'm jealous. I should get out and run but I don't."

    "She's healthy and fit- what a role model!"

    You rock. Keep up the good work!
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    That is awesome! Don't over think it, just do it, and have fun! Who cares what people think? You are doing the best thing you can for your body, healthy exercise! I am a runner too and I love it!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    i think you will look amazing and people will be inspired by your effort and dedication.

    i just started running 2 days ago (treadmill running @ gym) and I sweat more than anyone I know, no matter how much I am exerting myself. I thought I'd be embarrassed but then I remembered that I was there to better myself and if I don't sweat, I cant!

    yesterday when i went to do another run, there was a bigger girl there working out on all the machines, using the bike, the weights, the medicine ball, etc... I thought she was AWESOME for putting in the effort that must've gotten her to that point (she was better on the machines than I was) and excited for her and what was to come.
  • hollin40
    hollin40 Posts: 120 Member
    I started running in September and LOVE IT!!!! I started slowly. I'd alternate running and walking at first and then built up to just running with a little walking at the end to cool down. I recommend Zombies, Run! or their 5K app...I have the 5K app and haven't started it yet but intend to! I also highly recommend getting a GREAT pair of running shoes. I started out with a decent pair and it was not wise.....if you have Brooks running shoes at a store near you, get them. You will NOT be disappointed. I just pop in my ear buds and drown out the world. Who cares what other people think? You're off your butt and getting into shape! Good for you!!!!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    Fair play for running on a Dreadmill, i never got the hang of them. Only managed to get used to running when i took to the roads, on a dreadmill i was terrible!

    I like the other machines at the gym though :)