Help On Motivatinal Advice

I started this site to help myself loose weight. I want to do it right this time and actually see results. I have found though lately that I have been feeling stressed and tired and been talking myself out of walks or working out. Does anyone have good advice on how to stay motivated? Like how do you talk yourself in to sticking to it when you just want to stay home and relax and you know you should go walking? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks :smile:


  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Cute kitties btw!

    I go through this a lot. Often I'm just lazy! Today I didn't want to go to the gym and made a number of excuses to myself (and my hubby) why I shouldn't/don't want to go. He told me I really should go... I went ahead and went even though I didn't want to. Once I got there I was good to go and went for my full 65 minutes. Really there's not much to do but MAKE yourself go. Don't think about it and don't let your brain tell you that you don't have to go. Just GO!

    Find a friend, family member, spouse who can push you to get er done.

    Good luck
  • mickandmin
    mickandmin Posts: 7 Member
    For me it is training my brain and just going. Once I am there I just get on with it and the 60-70 minutes go quickly. I treat it like going to work, it is something that I have to do and I have no choice if I want a nice life. I get changed in work and go straight to the gym on my way home. If I waited to get changed at the gym I wouldn't go and just drive right passed it. You just have to get up and GO, it's the only way and it's only you that can do it.

    Also, I have dropped from a UK size 20 to a UK size 8 and for me that is really the only motivation I need now to keep the weight off and keep wearing my nice new clothes.

    If I am really struggling, especially a weekend I watch an episode of The Biggest Loser and I find that really motivates me. Recently we had daily episodes of the American show and now we are on to the Australian one. There is nothing like a dose of Bob and Jillian to get me going. The contestants are the ones that really motivate me though as they are amazing.

    Good luck, you can do it.
  • Isisannblue
    Thanks for the advice :). I will keep it in mind next time i feel like giving up on my workouts. :happy: