Recipe Websites



  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member is the bizomb!!!!!!!!!!
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 576 Member is great. If there is a specific ingredient you want to use you can enter that as a keyword and get TONS of choices. I've subscribed to the magazine for over 10 years which is also great for nutritional information in addition to recipes.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I love good old fashioned Yes, they have some calorie-laden foods (impossible cheeseburger pie, anyone?), but they also have some more sensible choices. Best thing about it is you can search by ingredients, and if you have a free membership, can file away your favorites in a virtual "recipe box". Love this site! :)
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I tried skinnytaste but didn't enjoy most of the recipes, which seemed to just be a lot of ingredient substitutions (a la "eat this not that").. And the name is a huge turnoff, that's just a silly bias though.

    I'm an avid fan of The best part is that the site is divided into recipe collections for different nutritional needs. I've found a lot of really healthy and delicious recipes there
  • morgycg
    morgycg Posts: 38 Member
    Whole Living has a recipe section, as well as other great sections on fitness and general healthy living.

    I also love Epicurious and they have a section of healthy recipes:
  • To maximize your "hits", try It's a search engine that will go through a lot of the websites mentioned (,, bon apetit, epicurious, etc.) but gives you the added convenience of adjusting calories, fat, cholesterol, etc. along the left to filter down the results. I find it's MUCH more efficient then checking sites individually.

    Also, I would second (and third/forth/etc.) many of these websites, especially Skinnytaste. One other is Whole Living (through Martha Stewart).
  • heidiwebs
    heidiwebs Posts: 80 Member
  • bump for later
  • kwatkin
    kwatkin Posts: 81 Member
  • pkrichar
    pkrichar Posts: 228 Member
  • bump
  • Asianaaaa
    Asianaaaa Posts: 57 Member
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