bad drivers- list your pet peeves!



  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I can't stand people who are in such a hurry, that the safety of those in their car and others around them goes out the window. You may not care about your stupid stick figures on the back of your Expedition, but I have a 7 month old that I love dearly. So, I am not going to pull out in front of an 18 wheeler so that you can get to the Piggly Wiggly ASAP.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Angry drivers. I know it can be frustrating, but are you seriously going to waste your time being mad at people you don't even know? Not to mention anyone I have ever heard of complain about bad drivers themselves have some bad habits.

    I'm not supposed to get angry when careless drivers almost kill me because they're aggressive /not paying attention and almost kill me?

    We had out of town guests and i had to pick them up at the airport 2 hours away and sight seeing.
    The wife wasn't fond of my driving and completely exaggerated everything to my husband who already worries about my "bad" driving. We have some of the highest semi-truck traffic in the nation as it is, but some are aggressive. I've been sandwiched unsafely and almost killed, i've had to slam on the brakes *on the highway * to avoid being sides wiped, pull over 3 LANES to avoid an accident, and I shouldn't get angry?? BS. I was at BWI and with in 5 minutes was almost side swiped by people note paying attention. I drive a blue SUV, kinda hard to miss! I can get to one side of the city to the other with out even getting on the highway just to avoid the semi truck traffic. One semi ran ove a short sedan taking the entire top of the car off. Thankfully the driver lived (uh.. For another month, he died in a frreak accident in another city, it was seriously his time to go!) it's effing krazy in this relatively small city and hell yah i'm going to get angry at careless people who put my life and the lives of the people in my car at risk because they don't pay attention while driving!

    Eta, we have. A 3-way stop sign and many people don't realize there in on-coming traffic that has the right of way. We're coming from a heavy intersection 1/2 a block away and it's not safe to stop. I fear for the person who doesn't yield and hits my car. I'm always paying close attention but someone speeding there (residential neighborhood) will eventually hitt someone and it's the passenger's side. I have a lawyer on speed dial.... It will not be pretty. It's on my way home from the grocery store so it's unavoidable.
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    - People who don't understand the left lane of the Freeway is for passing (excluding the carpool lane), and that it's call the `Passing Lane` because it's used to pass slower traffic on the right
    - Idiots who block intersections in rush hour traffic that think the sign that clearly says `Do not block intersection` is merely a suggestion
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    people that cant use their damb blinkers
    tailgaters , yes i noticed you are behind me, if you are in a rush there are another lines on my left.
    people that park blocking your driveway
    slow drivers
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    People who ignore the 5 million signs indicating their lane ends & then try to nudge their way in at the last possible second.

    People who either refuse to use them or don't know what a turn signal is for.


    People who don't know the meaning of the word "merge" (which is just about everyone in the state of NV).
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    People riding my *kitten*!!! If you are going to do that at least pull my hair! *sigh*
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    People who don't signal

    People who dart and weave through traffic (and, usually, also don't signal). I can't believe this kind of arrogance.

    People who ride my butt when I'm already going 10k over the limit in the left lane (NOT risking another ticket for you, buddy)

    People who speed in the shoulder!!! Have seen this twice this month!

    Single drivers who use the bus/multi-passenger lane

    Likely suspects: males under the age of 30; drivers of any tall vehicle with huge frigging wheels, OR, luxury cars; motorcyclists; taxi drivers
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Not letting me into the lane when trying to get on the freakin off ramp. You're going to have to slow down soon anyway.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    people who merge onto the interstate without looking. at all. not even a glance. I drove down to Kansas City to visit family this summer and some guy merged without looking and nearly took out 3 cars. :noway:

    distracted drivers. I was driving on the highway out to my house and I looked in the rearview mirror and this girl was putting on mascara looking in her mirror while she was driving!
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    What part of "Slower traffic keep right" do people not understand? This will result in my incarceration eventually.

    This. We have a toll road out here where the speed limit is 85 and there are people in the right lane going 70. Makes me feel like I'm back in Michigan, where everyone passes on the right.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I got one. How about the old lady who didnt use her mirrors and tapped my car a few days ago. then i went to her window to let her know what she did and she was dumbfounded. Or the person who almost backed into me (i was walking) while i was tyring to get to my car. I also hate ppl who try to jump in front of you when you hae to merge. one guy damn near took out my front bumper trying to hurry and get over.
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    The jack *kitten* who has no patience and wants to wind in and out of two lanes of traffic at high speeds with no signal, just to get one car ahead of you at a stop light.

    I love getting behind people like that and just waving at them in the mirror then they get all pissed off and try to get away from you to avoid further embarrassment.
  • nyxrun
    nyxrun Posts: 60
    Failure to merge. Step on it!

    Or the person who hits the brakes to allow these folks to merge. Going from 60 to 20 in a microsecond aint good for my blood pressure!
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I have several, but one that always stands out is Priuses driving below the speed limit in the left (fast) lane - even as other cars go around them.. More times than not, they're from PA.

    I really don't like when people decide to go Sunday driving on the highway - if you cannot handle driving your car at speeds of at LEAST 65 mph, you should just turn your license in and commute using public/private transportation.

    I wish we had our own version of an Autobahn in the US, but only after everyone was tested much more rigorously, including defensive driving (many people are sorely lacking these skills).
  • NaturallyOlivia
    NaturallyOlivia Posts: 496 Member
    Vacationers that leave their common sense at home and people who don't use their turn signals!
  • Audiejude
    TURN SIGNALS! They exist for a reason! It could be my area of Michigan that has a problem with it but no one uses their turns signals to let me know they're going to change lanes or turn.
    Also I hate it when people go way under the speed limit or don't bother slowing down when the speed limit was reduced ten miles per hour.
  • leesehm
    leesehm Posts: 117
    people who don't indicate at all. or early enough.
    people who pull out and dont speed up or pull left for me to pass (we drive on the left in nz)
    or people who drive more than 20k below the speed limit and dont pull over to let the 55 billion cars behind them to pass
    people without their lights on when visibility is crap
    people who pass from the back of a long line and cut in when a car comes the opposite way. to quote michael mcintyre - you've chosen your fate.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Texting while driving and girls putting makeup on while driving, and I can't believe how often I see both!
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    People that do NOT know how to get up to speed before they merge!!

    We have I-229 that goes through Sioux Falls and connects with I-90 and I-229. Through town they have merge lanes for on and off at every exit now. When people are getting ON I hate when they just pull out in front of you before they are up to 65 MPH. They have a mile to get up to speed!!! Sometimes I can get over, but sometimes you can't. Then you are slamming on the breaks. I have gone around people IN the merge lane because I can't get over in the passing lane and they are still dinking around 30-40 MPH!!

    I also hate people that weave in and out of traffic just to be that much ahead. I LOVE it when they get stopped at the same light you are at and one car a head of you. All that weaving and speeding really paid off for you, didn't it?

    I have a lot of pet peeves when it comes to driving!!
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    I hate when I am passing somebody traveling 10 miles under the speed limit and when I'm coming up on them, they decide to hit the gas. WTF!?!