1 week in, really liking it

I'm a shipping lead at the company I work at which has me extremely active at work. I also live in Colorado and try to take the dog on a few good hikes a week on top of that which means I was burning lots of calories a day. However, I was eating like complete crap and I knew it. I added up a typical day for me and it put me just over 4000 calories a day and somehow, I wasn't gaining weight, lucky me. So I finally decided last week, lets cut the calories and see what happens over the next few weeks as I know I will still be burning the same amount. I figured if I could just cut it in half, I would be doing really good.

So, I downloaded a few apps for the phone to help count, 3 in all I believe. Well, this was the first one I tried and went ahead and deleted the rest as I liked this one a lot. Filled in the info and goals and it said 1840 should be my goal, sounded fair, a little more than the half I was thinking but went for it. I started last Monday by eating salads all freaking day for the most part. Would start with an EAS Carb Control shake in the morning then eat 3 salads while at work with a bone in, skin on chicken breast on the grill for dinner. I'm not going to lie, it freaking sucked the first few days. I hit such a wall on wed that I was completely running out of gas. However, Thursday was different and I really started feeling better. On Friday, I didn't even need my 3 salad while at work. I had also lost 4 pounds by Friday.

Then came the weekend which is usually really bad for me but I did just fine which has really surprised me. I've already eaten dinner and I'm feeling full with 471 calories to spare so this weekend will also be a success. It's safe to say, 1 week down and a life to go. I'm curious to see what the scale says Monday morning as my weigh in days are Mondays and Fridays. My first goal is to get 220 which will be 13 pounds and allow me a cheat day. Then I'll allow myself cheat days at every 10 pounds.

I also love how this links to Runtastic which worked great for my hike on Saturday and I'm curious to see how Pedometer works when I'm at work on Monday.

I guess that's enough rambling for now.

Damn good product and thanks for it.

Brian in Colorado