5 lbs in 10 days?



  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    I only buy whole grain bread and cereal, get brown rice when i can etc. I barely ever eat chips or anything like that, never american cheese or lunch meat...so I guess I'm not getting what is meant by "processed foods." i mean whole grain bread is still processed, but I dont think its realistic to eat a wheat chaff, so I dont know what the alternatives would be.

    and having 12 oz of Gatorade after sweating 2 lbs worth of sweat and and half a glass of orange juice in the a.m., 1 spoonful of jelly on my whole grain english muffin and one squirt of homey in my tea too is much sugar?

    You avoid American cheese, but pizza, cookies and ice cream are OK?

    Whole wheat bread spikes your blood sugar just as much as white bread.

    Yeah, when you eat all that at once, it's too much sugar at one time. There are electrolyte replacement drinks that don't contain sugar if you really think you need them.
    i know im sounding defensive and i guess i am.

    Um...just a bit.

    You did ask, though. You did gain 5 lb. in 10 days. What you're doing apparently isn't working for you right now. But you do whatever you feel like.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    If I'm reading right, you gained 10 lbs despite tracking in the past year and a half. Is that correct? Your 5 lbs in 10 days is probably water weight, but if you're gaining over the long term using MFP then something is off with your calorie count. I do NOT think it's the type of calories unless you have PCOS or another medical condition.

    How did you figure your calorie count? Have you tried anything different over the last year? Increasing them/decreasing them?
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You should only eat about 1mg of sodium per calorie, so don't go anywhere near the limit set by MFP. Cut out the processed carbs (all breads/crackers/pasta/pizza) for a week and see how it goes. If it doesn't work, you can change it up some other way. Also, as small as you are to begin with, you aren't going to lose fast unless it's water weight at the beginning. Give yourself a few months to get the weight off.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you dont eat anywhere near enough - eat back your exercise calories as you have very little to lose. you also dont get enough protein - aim for 100g per day - unless you are going for the skinnyfat look of course!
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    I dont know what I'm doing wrong. According to what I log I should be losing. 10 days ago i weighed myself and was 123 and was super happy. Today I weighed myself and was 128! WTF?!?!?!?! I'm mad! Please help!

    I looked at the past 10 days in your diary. You aren't eating adequate amounts of fat or protein most days, but you're getting lots of starchy processed carbs and sugar. You're drinking Gatorade or orange juice, or both, every day; that much liquid sugar alone could be the problem. You're eating honey or jelly, or both, every day. Loads of refined grains--bread, pasta, cereal, waffles--and high-sugar desserts, every day. All this raises your blood sugar in a hurry, so your body pumps out a bunch of insulin to remove it from your bloodstream and store it as fat. If you're eating a high-carb meal or snack every couple of hours, like you're "supposed" to do, your insulin levels may never be going down enough to let your body burn that stored fat. So you're gaining weight, even though you're eating fewer calories than you think you're burning.

  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    Even those "healthy" whole grains turn into sugar in your body and create a fat storing insulin spike and inflammatory reaction in the body. So some research, grains, whole or not, aren't your friend. And when trying to lose weight you don't need a bunch of carbs/sugar running around in your body, your body will burn that for fuel instead of fat, you need to retrain it to burn fat.
  • TheeGeeMarie
    TheeGeeMarie Posts: 59 Member
    the yoga i do has a lot of isometric strength training. Think i need to lift too?

    A lot of vinyasa is pretty similar to body weight strength training, so you are probably okay with regular yoga practice in terms of avoiding the dreaded "skinny fat" look. That said, I have found that heavy lifting and yoga compliment each other nicely. Increasing my strength helped me get more out of the postures than I have ever before and the flexibility you likely have from yoga will help you have beast form for many of the lifts.

    Also, I agree with all the other posters who have said eat more fat, lower sodium, less carbs and definitely up your protein!

    Good luck!!
  • mollylaremeter
    mollylaremeter Posts: 59 Member
    If I'm reading right, you gained 10 lbs despite tracking in the past year and a half. Is that correct? Your 5 lbs in 10 days is probably water weight, but if you're gaining over the long term using MFP then something is off with your calorie count. I do NOT think it's the type of calories unless you have PCOS or another medical condition.

    How did you figure your calorie count? Have you tried anything different over the last year? Increasing them/decreasing them?

    The only thing i am doing different is eating less calories by tracking them. I know i eat ice cream and pizza but i eat moderate portions, as i have my whole life. and I'm definitely going to consciously eat more protein. Pasta actually has a decent amount of protein though. I might start eating quinoa for breakfast. Also I dont have a medical condition, my blood levels were recently checked. I'm going to look into meeting with a dietician I believe. I think its a good idea to cut out the cracker/bread etc stuff and see how i feel too. Thanks for the ideas everyone.