Something isn't right

So. I measured my waist, hips and neck in September when I was almost 10 lbs heavier and less tone than I am now, yet my waist is greater now than it was then. Maybe I measured in a different spot? I am getting very discouraged right now! I feel so much more tone and healthier than I did in September, yet my clothes still fit the same and I've lost 10 lbs. This doesn't make any sense. This just makes me want to give up. Any one else understand what is wrong with me? I am the reason people give up on dieting! No results in more than 6 months. Why bother?


  • sara_f
    sara_f Posts: 29 Member
    IDK...I do know I dont see alot of difference in how my clothes fit at 8lbs less either. Last year when I lost 30lbs, I didnt see a difference until I lost 15+. If you get the answer, please post. I am very curious about this!
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    Maybe it's just genetic...I am hitting an age where my fat all goes to my stomach and sides. I have noticed that I deposit more fat on my love handles and stomach, but I have also noticed that they have both slimmed down since September. I LOOK more toned than I did then. I did just eat a big dinner. I don't know if that has anything to do with it?\
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    You could tell a difference in me after two weeks - 15 lbs.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    After I eat dinner, I not only weigh more, but sometimes I look pregnant because I haven't yet dealt with my sluggish digestive system. So, don't, and I do mean DON'T measure yourself after a meal!!! For me I know I don't drink enough water or have enough fibre. Both would help with digestion. You may or may not be similar.
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    So there may still be hope that all this work i'm doing is actually paying off..thank you!
  • Libbiel1984
    The only time I measure myself is when I first wake up in the morning because I havent eaten or drank anything that might make me more bloated. I have been at this a little over a week and I have lost four pounds and almost an inch in my waist and hips.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    What kind of toning or strength exercises are you doing for your core muscles? If you are doing side crunches, crunches, or sit-ups etc. with weights, that can add bulk to your waist/hips. To avoid bulking up that area, do cardio and core exercises without weights. Try that for a while and see if you have a difference in your measurements. Also, avoid taking measurements in the evening and in the morning before a bowel movement. Sounds gross, but after a small glass of water, etc. to loosen things up, your measurements just might be different.
  • incircles_lp2
    incircles_lp2 Posts: 132 Member
    I have mostly been doing only circuit training as far as toning exercise goes. What I don't understand is that when I look in the mirror, my love handles look smaller and overall I seem to be more tone. I measured again in the morning when I am at least a few pounds lighter than in the evenings, and still came out with the same results (bigger waist,etc.). Maybe I am not measuring the same way I did when I initially measured myself several months ago? This still doesn't make any sense to me...I rebounded because of this information! I started binge eating and not caring anymore. This is such a horrible self esteem boaster!
  • mbruskotter
    Don't give up. You are losing the weight so you must be doing something right. If you feel good about yourself I say....GOOD FOR YOU! That is one of the most important steps...who cares what the scale or measuring tape says. IF you are eating right...and I mean this has to be number one above working out and cardio only then will the bulge start to melt away...then your outsides will eventually catch up to your inside feeling of great fitness. I have had the same problem in the correct it I took a polaroid of myself and marked each area of measurement with a permanent marker. This way you always have a guide as to where you measured last and don't have to play the guessing game. I too have the same problem I wake up each morning feeling great knowing my body is changing and just knowing the scale must be moving down....but alas it doesn't budge an inch and neither do the measurements. But as my husband keeps reminding me.....I do look better....and feeling good about yourself is half the battle.

    Good Luck and whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP!
  • Notenispal
    Notenispal Posts: 168 Member
    So there may still be hope that all this work i'm doing is actually paying off..thank you!

    Don't give up just because you measure bigger....sooner or later you will end up losing weight and continuing on your journey you will have ups and downs. You just have to keep going! That's the secret to success because you won't be sucessful unless you keep with changing your lifestyle!

    Good luck!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    How you feel is much more important than anything else! remember that!