high protein diets?

I had lost about 25 pounds since march and gained about 6 or 7 of it back because I found it difficult to maintain. I want to lose the weight back. Do high protein diets work? what are the pros and cons?


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I had lost about 25 pounds since march and gained about 6 or 7 of it back because I found it difficult to maintain. I want to lose the weight back. Do high protein diets work? what are the pros and cons?

    All diets work by the same mechanism, a caloric deficit. Pick one you can adhere to
  • tishka11
    I have done different diets before inclide high protein/low carb, low fat etc
    Each has the potential to work for you or not depending on how it is used. The main thing, as has been said by many people before, is the calorie deficit. All forms of food (fat, carbs, protein) can be turned into fat within the body if not used for energy, some are just more readily available. Ie Your body burns carbs first, then fat, then protein when you work out
    High protein diets are good if you are wanting to build more muscle but as long as you are having the reccommended amount of protein that your body needs each day, and doing strengthening exercises to enhance the muscles, it will still build muscle anyway
    Having too much protein can have the same effect as having too much of anything else - it turns into fat
    High protein diets can also make you feel more full which is good in terms of controlling eating, but also bad as it can make workouts difficult at times if you feel 'bloated'
    I used to eat mainly protein...almost only protein...which was difficult considering im vegan and have a lot of allergies to things such as mushrooms and nute, thus i had a lot of protein shakes, and i dont think that i would reccomend it.
    Getting a balance of the different food groups is essential - your body runs far better when it is fed this way and thus burning off any excess calories becomes a lot easier for it to do

    Summed up, i would say that it is completely up to you ... but personally i physically feel better now that i am not purely eating protein....and that the calorie intake and workouts are probably more important
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I had lost about 25 pounds since march and gained about 6 or 7 of it back because I found it difficult to maintain. I want to lose the weight back. Do high protein diets work? what are the pros and cons?

    Yes high protein diets work, if your total caloric intake is less than what your burn.