Any Paleo people out there?

So I just started the Paleo challenge, but I'm not doing the full 30 days because that would mean no mashed taters on Thanksgiving. And that, my dear dieters, is a no go.
But anyway I'm trying it out and I'm finding that sticking to it isn't as hard as I thought it would be, mentally, but actually finding food in a college dining hall that follows the rules is SO RIDICULOUSLY HARD. Some days I feel like I'm living off of fruit (I've only been doing this for 5 days, mind you, but still, it's poop). Plus I'm super picky so when it comes to veggies I don't really have many options other than your typical salad stuff (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes if you consider them veggies, and that's really it).
Any tips on what to do? I'm going crazy here.