How did you give up sweets?

I'm having a tough time turning down cookies and cakes! I know the "don't keep them in the house" rule, so I do good for a couple weeks then me and hubs go to the store and next thing you know oreos and little debbies find their way into the cart. We both like our little sweet treats and I find I can't go without for too long or I break down and go buy it! Has anyone beat the sweet cravings? And I don't mean with fruit or 'frozen grapes'. Replacing chocolate or cookies with fruit doesn't curb it - they taste nothing alike and I've tried it over and over LOL
What worked for you? Are there any good alternatives?


  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    I've got a sweet tooth too, and I didn't give it up - we just buy lower calorie alternatives. As far as cookies go, we like the WhoNu brand - you can have 3 chocolate chip or Oreo style cookies for 160 calories. That's still not super low cal, but it's decent if you can manage the self control to stick to the appropriate portion, and they taste yummy (and have lots of stuff that's good for you in them too). FiberOne makes some 90 caloriie brownies and chewy bars we like; also Nature Valley has a *very* delicious 90 calorie granola thin. If you're into ice cream (we are), Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers both have some good tasting chocolate bars that are 100-110 calories. I also love Arctic Zero chocolate peanut butter frozen dessert (I top it with Trader Joe's Better-n-Peanut Butter for an indulgent but very low cal treat. I have lost 50 lbs, so I can tell you that it's definitely possible to hang onto your sweet tooth and still lose weight. It just takes finding alternative treats and controlling your portions.
  • VSGme
    VSGme Posts: 36 Member
    I've got a sweet tooth too, and I didn't give it up - we just buy lower calorie alternatives. As far as cookies go, we like the WhoNu brand - you can have 3 chocolate chip or Oreo style cookies for 160 calories. That's still not super low cal, but it's decent if you can manage the self control to stick to the appropriate portion, and they taste yummy (and have lots of stuff that's good for you in them too). FiberOne makes some 90 caloriie brownies and chewy bars we like; also Nature Valley has a *very* delicious 90 calorie granola thin. If you're into ice cream (we are), Skinny Cow and Weight Watchers both have some good tasting chocolate bars that are 100-110 calories. I also love Arctic Zero chocolate peanut butter frozen dessert (I top it with Trader Joe's Better-n-Peanut Butter for an indulgent but very low cal treat. I have lost 50 lbs, so I can tell you that it's definitely possible to hang onto your sweet tooth and still lose weight. It just takes finding alternative treats and controlling your portions.

    Thanks for your reply, I've had the Skinny Cow treats and they are really good! I haven't heard of some of the others so I will check them out and stock up! I can limit myself to a portion which is great since these are low calorie - I just get to where giving up cold turkey like I've been trying to do, or replacing with fruit was driving me crazy and making me give up! So thank you so much!!!! I really appreciate these ideas and you letting me know that it is possible to fit them in to my diet with these options. Congrats on your weight loss so far :)
  • NocturnalGirl
    I didn't give them up. Just fit it into your calories and macros for the day. I don't believe in cutting things out that you enjoy, having it once in a while is fine.
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Quest bars
    However, I don't think it's wise to completely cut out any food you enjoy, which is why I also eat the occasional skinny cow ice-cream, and frozen yogurt.

    Good luck!!
  • Julz2586
    Julz2586 Posts: 1,337 Member
    I didn't give them up. Just fit it into your calories and macros for the day. I don't believe in cutting things out that you enjoy, having it once in a while is fine.

    ^^^ This!
    you shouldn't have to miss out on things you like... just be smart about what you eat and how much :)
  • amaryllis88
    amaryllis88 Posts: 37 Member
    I haven't given them up, I try to eat less of them. When I first started, I craved them ALL the time, that would be my "treat," for the week. I'd designate either a meal or day where I'd splurge. After awhile of doing this, maybe 3-4 months, I started craving them less. Plus I'm opting for a little better options, I've traded in milk for dark chocolate, and I couldn't stand dark chocolate, now I'm a fan.

    Unfortunately, it's in your mind & your dedication to what you're doing. Occasionally I will splurge and have a few pieces of candy/chocolate, but I don't go overboard. I don't see anything wrong with indulging in a Little Debbie Snack a few times a week, just know what you're eating, and how it makes you feel afterwards.

    I don't do anything extreme, if I tell myself I'm cutting something out completely, it makes me want it even more! Good luck!!
  • neonemesis
    neonemesis Posts: 74 Member
    similar to other posters. i didn't give them up i have some sweets everyday and thus far have lost over 80 lbs. I just enjoy things in moderation now and exercise more than i eat. as long as it fits into my day it goes into my stomach. LOL again don't get me wrong i don't eat a whole chocolate bar and a full 250 gram bag of chips anymore, now its half a chocolate bar and a few chips i enjoy them and that's it.
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I agree, just keep them around if you can keep yourself in check! :) I haven't gone out and really messed myself up in the past couple of months only because I was like "Lauren, just go out and get a TON of your favorites. It will be physically impossible for you to consume all at once, and if the resource doesn't seem scarce, you won't eat it like it's going out of style!" Which was a stretch, but it's worked. :) I have a family size bag of M&Ms, a little tin of Piroulines, a bag of caramels, an a bag of cinnamon hard candies in my bedroom. And two bags of fun-sized Hershey bars downstairs! And I'm always baking on the weekends! Haha. :)

    Don't give it up if you enjoy it. Moderate.

    Make a rule that you can only consume a single serving (or two, or half, depending on how calorific the serving size is), in a day--and NEVER go over! Protect the rule like your life depends on it! :D
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I just ate a snack size Mounds bar 6oz (17 g) that is only 80 calories. Snack size candy bars are ok if you don't go overboard. My mother in law sent a bag of snack size candy bars with my hubby and he is holding the bag because he has better self control than me.

    I liked the fiber one bars that are only 90 calories. I like most granola bars, especially ones that are peanut butter and chocolate chip.

    You can even get cookies in small packets that are 100 calories in the snacks or cookie isle of the supermarket.

    I would look for other low cal desserts. I haven't been able to give up my sweet tooth either.
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I didn't give them up. Just fit it into your calories and macros for the day. I don't believe in cutting things out that you enjoy, having it once in a while is fine.

    That's my method as well, there is a big difference between eating responsibly and denying yourself things you enjoy... You want to change your habits for life not just until you snap and down a whole package of cookie's out of shear frustration...
  • chloeshutler
    unfortunately i have no self control! i couldnt just eat 1 cookie, i would eat the whole pack! so i took the giving them up road. Apparently it takes 14 days for sugar cravings to stop... i found after 1 week it was much easier! just take each day at a time and you'll be at 14 days before you know it! :)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Cookies and cake aren't a problem for me. Candy and sweet things in general are. I LOVE baking, so resisting the urge to eat everything if I do give into my baking urge is what gets me. I love to lick batters, and taste everything while I cook/bake... that gets me into trouble. :\

    As far as sweets on an everyday basis, I try to keep healthier alternatives on hand. Recently I bought some dark chocolate bars for cravings. All natural fruit bars are great for summer when you crave ice cream, popsicles, etc. Frozen yogurt is good for ice cream cravings...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I am not giving up chocolate. that's crazy. that's why I work out over 20 hours a week
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    I'm having a tough time turning down cookies and cakes! I know the "don't keep them in the house" rule, so I do good for a couple weeks then me and hubs go to the store and next thing you know oreos and little debbies find their way into the cart. We both like our little sweet treats and I find I can't go without for too long or I break down and go buy it! Has anyone beat the sweet cravings? And I don't mean with fruit or 'frozen grapes'. Replacing chocolate or cookies with fruit doesn't curb it - they taste nothing alike and I've tried it over and over LOL
    What worked for you? Are there any good alternatives?

    why would i want to give them up? I may have a few hersheys kisses or a mini chocolate bar....i also have a bowl of cereal for my after dinner snack. I stay within my macro fat range etc.

    Discipline is a key ingredient in the weight loss recipe :)
  • liza2110
    just drink 1 cup of apple vinegar a day and it will really supress your apetite , it will turn you away from food & sweets
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I'm having a tough time turning down cookies and cakes! I know the "don't keep them in the house" rule, so I do good for a couple weeks then me and hubs go to the store and next thing you know oreos and little debbies find their way into the cart. We both like our little sweet treats and I find I can't go without for too long or I break down and go buy it! Has anyone beat the sweet cravings? And I don't mean with fruit or 'frozen grapes'. Replacing chocolate or cookies with fruit doesn't curb it - they taste nothing alike and I've tried it over and over LOL
    What worked for you? Are there any good alternatives?

    WOW you said it. You and hubs have to support each other and stop it. My DH and I have agreed to Dove Dark choc. 2 or 3 a day is what I eat most everyday. The little messages make me happy too on the inside wrapper :) But really if you live with a smoker and you smoke the only way to quit is both have to quit. The same is true for food. You both have to agree to walk together or go to the gym together. You will both feel so much better when you get off that sugar. Good luck.
  • d_Mode
    d_Mode Posts: 880 Member
    I became a Type 2 up sweets became pretty easy after that! :)
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I do alot of fruit, and you are right, it doesnt cut it. So I buy those 100 calories per package of yogurt pretzels (eat alot of yogurt too) and chocolate chip cookies, my 2nd favorite are the pecan sandies. and yes only 100 calories. they are not "low" cal, just that is all that is in the package. Hope it works for you. I know its more expensive than the little debbie, oatmeal cookies, or the peanut choco bars... mmmm (my favs) but the smaller pre packs works... if my husband brings some thing that is not prepacked to 1 serving, well what can I say, I use alot of snack sized ziplocks, which I then toss into gallon zip locks..

    There is a dessert my grandma used to make, with cottage cheese, pinapple, whip cream (dream whip to be exact) and citris jello. nuts, sure. Now, I am lazy, but I love this dessert. So here is my version, please do not gag until you try it: take a cup of low cal low fat yogurt, I use any citruis, stawberry, peach, lemon, lime or orange cream. I use the walmart brand 6 oz, put that in a cereal bowl, then fill the yogurt container with ( I use Viva low fat, low cal 2% cottage cheese). just mix well and eat. I swear it tastes nearly the same. not the same texture though. but I love it, eat it several times a week. yummy. Give it a try. let me know if you give it a thumbs up or down.

    Good luck.
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I didn't and frankly don't want to give them up. I just fit them into my day and set out the serving size and put the rest away. That part is really important (at least to me) because the package just sitting there would make it so easy to grab one more...and then one more...ect.

    The whole point of this journey for me is to get to a healthy weight and learn how to fit the foods I like into my lifestyle. Deprivation doesn't work for me, learning self control however has been priceless.
  • VSGme
    VSGme Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for all of your answers and suggestions! I feel a lot better seeing that all of you are having success without depriving yourselves! I'll be adding these to my grocery list :) Thank you, thank you!