Afternoon snacking!

Hello MFPers! I have a problem and I am looking for some tips from the experts (all of you!)

My son and I live with my parents. When I get home from classes at 1pm the first thing I want to do is eat - despite eating a healthy lunch (like a turkey sandwich or a large, satisfying salad). I literally end up snacking all afternoon. This is very obviously what causes me to remain stuck at 175 pounds despite exercising.

Has anyone else conquered afternoon snacking problems? I like being home with my son after school to relax and unwind, so I dont prefer to leave the house right away. I enjoy meditation and I want to start doing it more when I get home, although my son is usually all over me from the moment I walk in the door (which is definitely a blessing!). I try doing other things like cleaning or homework and playing with my boy...but I cant get my mind off of food! Any tips to help me kick the habit?


  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I have a huge problem with snacking too, except mine is typically later in the evening. However, when I get home from class or work in the afternoons I tend to want to snack as well. I try to eat something healthy and somewhat filling that will tie me over until dinner time. A couple of good snacks that I have found are pretzel sticks dipped in peanut butter (just make sure to put a serving of peanut butter in a container and don't let yourself get more because that's where over snacking problems happen). Also I've found that almonds are a good snack and tend to fill me up for a decent period of time; you can even mix them into some fat free yogurt if you want something more sweet. It takes a lot of will power, but counting out one serving and then not allowing yourself to get any more than that is the key, along with eating snacks that are healthy and filling instead of just the empty calories in chips or sweets.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    special k 90 calorie cereal bars, fiber one 90 calorie bars, protein powder blended with almond milk, special k protein shakes
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Nibble on healthy natural things like fruit and veggies so you don't feel guilty. Low fat natural yogurt, string cheese, nuts, popcorn etc.. Cups of decafe coffee help me too if I need someone else to stop me nibbling non-stop.
  • There's nothing wrong with snacking, as long as you keep it healthy, or stick to just a small amount of junk food if you're really craving it. I like to snack on fruit, or celery with hummus or cottage cheese, or multigrain crackers if you don't want celery. I think that a healthier snack may make you feel more satisfied than the empty calories you get with junk food, and therefore you may be less tempted to binge. And it also helps to keep busy, I'd say to start with your meditation and other things you like to do, and if you keep yourself occupied there'll be less time for snacking!
  • Jennkies
    Jennkies Posts: 382 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support and advice! I like the idea of healthy snacks and portion sizes. Today is a new day, the best day to start getting it under control!