I have no idea when this started happening, or this occurrence's specific time of origin, but I *do* know that it is *very* detrimental to my weight loss/general healthy diet. I'm in college atm and we have an "all-you-can-eat" style cafeteria. There is a huge centerpiece shelf constantly stocked with cakes, cookies, and rice treats of different sorts that calls to me all the time. Even outside the cafeteria, I can never get tired of sweet things (unless it's a large amount of chocolate--and even this I can eat a large amount of.)

I just love the feeling of stuffing a bunch of sweet pastry in my mouth, lol... and I don't know when this started!! I know I can eat fruits and what not, but I'd just love to stop grabbing that extra brownie or cookie on my way out of the caf.

Anyone else with the same problem? :(


  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    You are right; sweets do have an addictive quality. The only way though to really defeat it is to not answer its call... I used to pack in the sweets regularly... I mean.. those big candy bars followed by cookies of 2 - 3 varieties and Little Debbie snack cakes.. Ooolala.. but I digress. Back in January I purposefully stopped eating a lot of that and have engaged in a healthier lifestyle of eating... Now, when I eat a candy bar (very rare)... it is like a bite of nothingness... It is sweet but not satisfying. I do, however, enjoy fruits and those sweet and salty granola bars... Yes they are sweet and 160-170 cal per bar HOWEVER, they DO have SOME nutritional value and are more satisfying than candy or cakes... AND a candy bar is usually 250-280 cals and snack cakes are upward to 450 calories per pkg. It is a better choice and more satisfying. In the words of Nancy Reagan... JUST SAY NO.. Best wishes on a successful journey.
  • kayesmom
    I keep a bag of chocolate chips in the freezer, and anytime i get a sweet craving i grab a few (10-15) and eat them *slowly*... it usually helps