I don't know what happens...

I lost 20 lbs only to gain it back plus more, I have now reached my all time high weight of 340 pounds. i am scared that i will never find the motivation or will power to do this. why am i failing so badly? i wish this was easier to do but hopefully i can start anew sooner then later. thanks for reading this. it is nice to be able to write my thoughts and maybe have someone out there understand. thanks


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    keep logging, keep making good choices

    you can do it

    look at success pics in picture heavy threads, they were all at where you are now.

    it's a long road, commit for the long term
  • nz50
    nz50 Posts: 3
    I know how you feel because I am in a similar place. You cannot take the set backs as a personal failure, no matter what anyone tells you. The fact is that it is exceptionally hard to fight this kind of battle and it is no disgrace that it is not a straight road to success. If it was not so hard, you and I would have won already. We sure want it enough! A good and smart friend just reminded me that in the field of possible accomplishments, there are some that are easy and some that are almost impossible and even some that are completely impossible. We wouldn't expect to do the completely impossible, so why should we expect to cruise to victory on the almost impossible?
  • TexasBridgett
    TexasBridgett Posts: 84 Member
    I don't know what your "triggers"/unhealthy habits are (emotional eating, desk job, fast food, love of tv, binge eating, reward eating). I think I have all the ones I just listed! It can be very difficult when it's a mind battle. This may not work for everyone, but I try to have a conversation with myself before I eat anything. I think about the nutritional value, if it's helping or hurting, if I've had any other indulgences in the past few days or week, and if that food is what the healthy me really wants to eat. Sometimes there are those days when you just do it anyway, but most days this works. I've noticed that the more days I can turn down food, or choose a healthier option, the easier it is to do in the future.
    Don't give up or let yourself get too overwhelmed, because that's when the weight creeps up. No matter how hard it is, you gotta just make yourself be positive. When you're laying in bed feeling sad because the mirror hates you, use that emotion as motivation to go exercise or throw away all the junk food in your pantry. When your pants are too tight, remember that feeling the next time you want unhealthy food.
    You are a beautiful girl and you don 't have to lose 100 pounds overnight. You don't even have to lose 100 pounds in a year. Some of those success stories can put a damper on my own weight loss goals just because I don't have results like other people. But so what! This is your life, and your pace, and no matter how long it takes you to get to the finish line it will still feel the same.