Anyone have Arobic dance dvd they like

Ok wanting to change up my workout some any one have a great arobic dance dvd they love . and could reccomend thanks


  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I really like Ministry of Sound work outs! Only if you like quite dancey music though. Or Davina McCall's are quite good....
  • shev1956
    shev1956 Posts: 2 Member
    i LOVE Turbo Jam by Chalene Johnson. contact me.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    If you don't mind dvds with a Christian slant to them, I found some clips at youtube that are really fun and a good workout. The website for the dvds is I'm going to be ordering a couple of his dvds soon because I had a good time and had danced for almost an hourt before I even realized it!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I like Hip Hop Abs because Shaun T is just hilarious!!! And it is fun moves, great music, a good sweat :) I do it when I want a little something extra... I need more than just HHA alone these days...
    I also do 30 Day Shred (on my off days from the gym)... Its a great circuit training-type DVD...
    Good luck finding something you like! :drinker: