When, oh when?!?!?!

missyannb85 Posts: 72
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, heres the deal! I have been in a size 18 jeans since last year when I weighed 206. I am down to 178 and I STILL wear my size 18 jeans and they are just as comfortable now as they were then!!!! It makes NO scence to me! I just want to move on (and down) from this size!!! I do however think that i'm beginning to drop inches but wouldn't you think that losing almost 30lbs would have changed me a bit?! Ugh, thanks for the vent and good luck to all!!!


  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    The brand that you buy and the shape of your body can have a lot to do with that, I'm sure! I had this same issue. My problem is my waist is bigger than my legs preportionwise. I need the 18 for my waist to avoid muffin top, but unless they are stretch, they are too big everywhere else. Also, a lot of the less expensive brands seem to "behave funny". The way they fit fluctuates, the amount they shrink in the dryer changes. You could also be losing upper body weight if that is what you are focusing on...Maybe try tummy, leg and tush excercises to lower the pants size. Has your shirt size gone down?
  • Hi! I think it can be really discouraging to not see any progress. Make sure that you are exercising really well too, it makes a HUGE difference (a combo of cardio and weight lifting)
    I really like this website for tips www.bfl.com

    Best of Luck!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Try Just My Size & Faded Glory, they tend to label their pants smaller than other brands. Makes me feel like I'm getting skinnier when JMS or FG are an 18, and Levis are 22! KWIM?
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    I know what you mean. I lost about 20 lbs, and 5 in. from my waist, and was still wearing my size 14s. I kept thinking, wow how tight must these have been on me BEFORE if they fit me now? Now granted they were the more giving denim, not exactly stretch. And after this last 5 lbs. I dropped 2 pant sizes in 2 weeks even though I only lost 1 more in. off my waist. It seemed very strange, but just know that regardless of the changes you are (or aren't) SEEING, changes are happening day by day to make you a happier, healthier on you. So if you focus on that and not the number on the scale or in the waistband of your jeans, it makes this journey so much more tolerable. And just wait, at some point you're going to be falling out of those size 18s and think, wow where did the rest of me go?
  • mstanley
    mstanley Posts: 121 Member
    I had the same problem for awhile...my size 18 jeans still fit in the waist but they were baggy in the legs. Then, just suddenly it seemed, they started slipping down aroudn my waist too. It was nice to move into a size 16 when I went shopping the other day!
  • Ok, heres the deal! I have been in a size 18 jeans since last year when I weighed 206. I am down to 178 and I STILL wear my size 18 jeans and they are just as comfortable now as they were then!!!! It makes NO scence to me! I just want to move on (and down) from this size!!! I do however think that i'm beginning to drop inches but wouldn't you think that losing almost 30lbs would have changed me a bit?! Ugh, thanks for the vent and good luck to all!!!

    I've lot 10 lbs and I'm still in the same jean size (12). I got really excited when I realized I had hit the 10 lb mark and I pulled all my size 10 and size 8 jeans down from the top of the closet. I could barely get the 10s on, no way I could wear them, and the 8's wouldn't even fit over my thighs.... So I know what you're going through....

    They crazy thing is, my size 12 jeans are falling off of me! I think maybe I stretched them out until they were really more like a 14. I only had one pair because I refused to keep buying bigger and bigger pants. I started taking my measurements toady, so hopefully I will see a change really soon. And I'm sure you will too! Keep up the good work.
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Hi! Well, first off - congrats on losing the weight thus far! That's something to be very proud of.

    Here's my take: In HS I lost about 40lbs - by the time my freshman year of college hit, I was at around 185lbs and in a comfortable size 18. I lost the weight in HS by simply doing cardio (ie: Tae Bo!). Since I began my journey using MFP, (and did lots of research on how to get the healthiest and strongest results over a long period of time so that it lasts) I've gone from a tight 22 jean at 268lbs and I'm currently around 235 in a size 18/20. Now...The only difference is that I not only do cardio - but weight lifting as well. Nothing too insane, but enough to strengthen the mucles and make them lean! That's the key! Start to incorporate protein shakes (i'm not a huge fan, but I feel like they've made a difference) and weight lifting 2-3 times a week. The cardio is great and really helps to burn the calories, but the more muscle you build, the more calories your body burns! So, enjoy and I hope that helps a bit.

    Best of luck to you on your journey, and keep up the great work! I'm proud of your accomplishments!

    (Oh yea, and whoever said that your body type plays a huge affect as well was correct. I'm fortunate in that I lose (and gain) weight pretty consistantly and proportionately. Not everyone is so fortunate, so keep that in mind too.)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    When I first started losing, I lost weight in the weirdest places. None of it was from my waist/hips/chest/thighs...you know, the obvious, clothing size places. Instead, I lost it from my wrists, my chin, my ribcage (under my breasts), my feet (lost a half a shoe size!!), and my cheeks. There is also fat internally, around our organs (highly unhealthy), the loss of which we cannot see, but is reflected on the scale.

    I think, the body decides where the fat resides that it really doesn't need/want, and disposes of that first. The hips, tummy, thighs, and chest are the most common fat storage areas, so in all likelhood, those areas will reduce last.

    Keep it up, you're doing fine!
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