how do you figure your target heart rate

ractayjon Posts: 365
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
How do you figure your target heart rate?
And for how long should you try and keep in that target heart rate - If I do 30 minutes of cardio should I be in the target all 30 minutes plus a warm up/cool down or 20 minutes in range and warmup/cool down....
and can you explain or send me to a link that explains what the target heart rate does/is?


  • Hello Ractayjon,

    If you are new to exercise or are just coming back to it after a long time off then here are some good steps to follow:

    First, get yourself checked out by a doctor and tell him that you are embarking on a new exercise program. If there is any family history of heart problems, you should also see a cardiologist.

    Second, calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. Example: 220 - 40(years of age) = 180.
    NOTE: This is only an average and does not account for very low resting heart rates or other anomalies.

    Once you have your maximum heart rate figured, shoot for 50% of that as a target heart rate when you are still new. Example: 180 * .50 = 90. Gradually you will want to work up to 75% as you begin to feel more comfortable. 85% is a tough workout for a fit person and should not be attempted until you have several months of regular exercise under your belt if at all.

    As far as how long to be at target, that really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Generally speaking, if you are calling it a 30 minute workout then you should be there for 30 minutes excluding the warm up and cool down.

    Please don't discount the getting checked out by your doctor part. Takes a couple of hours out of your day and provides a huge safety margin. He may also be able to give your specific recommendations and information based on your medical history and goals.

    Hope this helps.

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