5k- what in the world!



  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Your husband is crazy.. people do 5ks with ALL levels of experience, TONS of people walk/run them, some people just straight up walk the whole way! The elites start up in front so they don't get bothered by the slower people. Sign up for one, kick some butt and have fun!
  • Aimeebird1
    Aimeebird1 Posts: 133 Member
    I did my first 10k run last weekend and personally im glad not everyone runs the whole way for 2 reasons.

    1) give me perople to overtake and make me feel like im actually running fast ahahah
    2) means I didnt have to run the whole way and i was just stoked to see people out walking it getting involved.

    Go have fun make the hubby shhh and take photo's :laugh:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I am a 5k junkie, I have always felt that you can do anything you want. Don't care what the other runners are doing, do what you can do, run when you want, walk when you have to and enjoy the enitre experience. When I did my first 5k I just wanted to finish and I did. I set a goal for myself to not stop and I didn't. Now I am on my 11th one since April and I am having the time of my life! Do not listen to anyone else, chart your own course and do what you do for you and no one else and above all else, have fun!
  • LMG130
    LMG130 Posts: 24 Member
    Ignore him and have a blast!! Races are the best way to challenge yourself, because everyone around you motivates you and challenges you. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    Fitness comes in all shapes and sizes, you should do it! I walked/ran my first 5K and am planning on training to run a full 5K next May with my brothers. Everyone starts some time, you can totally do it. As others have mentioned, no one cares what other people are doing while they're running other than people will encourage you. Races are a lot of fun!
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    he's definitely way wrong. 5Ks are not a competition! i just ran my first one yesterday after only 2 months of training. in total, i ran about 2 miles and jogged about a mile. there were also so many people walking. don't let him discourage you... it is an amazing experience and you'll feel so accomplished after! like someone else on here said... doesn't matter if you walk or crawl past the finish line; as long as you finished and feel as though you did the absolute best you could! after all, you're lapping everyone sitting on their couch!
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I walked my first few 5ks a few years ago and then gradually began running a little, walking a lot. Ran with a training group for a 10k last year and then a half marathon this past spring - the bug'll bite you! Go for it! You'll see all ages and abilities out there -do it for fun, for your health and to help a charity. Don't worry about anyone else there or what your hubby says.
  • ElectricMayhem
    ElectricMayhem Posts: 214 Member
    That is completely ludacris! I'm running my first 5K on thanksgiving and i'm still training for it but if i can't run the entire time so what?! Those folks who are seriously competitive i believe are competing against themselves to go a little bit faster or farther....as quite a few people on here have already stated. Good for you for putting yourself out there and challenging yourself. I'm sorry to say, but it sounds like he may be a bit jealous or threatened by your new body and/or fitness pursuits.....just sayin'! Good luck to you girl :bigsmile:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My first competitive race was a 10K. I had previously ran 5 miles on a treadmill and 2 miles on terra firma. I ran the race because at the finish line you ran through the giant inflatable patriots helmet and then across the 50 yard line in Gilette stadium.

    I wasn't ready for it, I wound up walking somewhere between 15 and 25 percent of the race and finished in a blistering 1 hour 19 minutes and 50 seconds.

    Finishing at all was a MAJOR accomplishment in my fitness journey. I was 404 out of 419 in my age group. I was in no shape to Run a 10K but it doesnt matter because it wasn't about competition it was about completion. You aren't insulting anyone, most runners start at/above your current level and here's a little secret. If you aren't tripping or boxing out the experienced runners they love the newbies because it's only a matter of time before you join the cult with the rest of the runners.

    I never ever though I would run and I've fallen in love with it. I have at least 1 5K scheduled (or will schedule when they start taking sign-ups) every month through July of next year and I'm planning on a half marathon next fall.

    Just line up in the back with the slower runners and nobody will care. Plenty of people walk 5Ks...
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for all the responses, I'm gonna sign up for one!
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    I am an avid runner. During running season, I run every race within 20 miles of my home. I LOVE seeing new runners. It's a great sport. Have fun!

    Just a note: you will really make people angry if you try to stand in the front by the starting line. Do NOT do that.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Glad you are signing up! My son has run a few 5Ks and a 5 mile leg of a marathon relay with no training. Faster than me, I might add (stinker).

    HAVE FUN! :o)
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    Thanksgiving I am taking part in the Drumstick Dash. There are a number of people who only walk. There is actually a different sign up for those walking....and it is $2 less. I doubt I will run at all. My hubby and 2 of my kids are doing it with me. Great way to start. All proceeds to go the local Rescue Mission!!

    There is another one in early December. Depending on how well the first one goes, we may do the second one. :)
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Most people (myself inlcuded) are inexperienced at their 1st 5k run and also their 2nd, 3rd and so on. Experience only comes with practice and passage of time. Though you will notice the differences and should start seeing improvements the more you do. Start w/ a charity 5k, most of them are the "walk/run" type and everybody is there for a good cause and time. If you really start to like them and want to go farther (10k, Half-Marathon, etc.) perhaps there is a local running group/club in area that you can join for more infomation and assistance - Good Luck !!!

    The best feeling you'll get is when you cross the finish line !!!
  • Katrina_88
    Katrina_88 Posts: 164 Member
    i just signed up for my first 5k its not till April but I am so excited. I have no experience running at all, I just had my first son 12 months ago so I have alot of extra weight and I am not in as good of shape as I was prior to having him. This is something I have always wanted to do and I figure since I am working out so hard and getting back into shape now the best time... Why keep putting it off. I am going to take it slow and work up to it. I can probley only run 5 minutes or so right now so dont worry you will do fine, even if you have to stop and walk for a few minutes. I am trying to add a minute to my runs a week so by April I should be prepared.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Your husband doesn't know anything about 5ks, and seems to have a little jealousy in him about you running. There are many people that walk/run 5k's and that is great. You'd be surprised though of how far and fast you actually can run in an actual race especially your first one!