I´m trying to do it right but don´t know how, can you help?

I am trying to lose weight by doing sport and eating better.
But I have a lot of questions and maybe one of you can help me?

So, is it better to work out more often or all in one time? means, is it better to for example work out one hour or is it just as effective to work out half an hour twice a day (with quite some time inbetween).

If I take breaks, should they only be short so i can catch my breath or is it okay if i let my heartrate come down?

How long should I work out a day to become more or less fast and good results? is half an hour daily enough or by far too less? should the time increase when I get fitter?

Should I change my workout routine or is it okay to do everyday the same?

Is it better to eat before or after you worked out?

basically I ask for what is more effective if you try to lose weight?

Do you have any tips for me?

Thank you very much for reading and maybe answering me.