
kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so some people say STAY AWAY FROM POTATOES ALL TOGETHER and some say they aren't bad...
I wanted some advice on this... I LOVE baked potatoes but have stayed away from them for a long while now!! Any input on this?


  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I love smashed potatoes, I still eat them in moderation with a little butter. Great for potassium!
  • Have you checked the data base? How many calories are they?
  • eat the skin, it's very healthy. potatoes are technically a vegetable, but they are very starchy which makes them unhealthy. Try to cut down on eating them too often but you need not cut them out all together :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Potatoes themselves are good for you, although the are high in starchy carbs and fairly high in calories, not good for the low carb dieter. What is usually bad with potatoes is what people put on them, butter, sour cream, margarine, cheese etc. You can always try putting salso on them as salsa is great for you.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I have baked potatoes all the time. The potatoes aren't what is so bad for you and they are really filling. Just don't load it up with butter, sour cream, cheese, bacon.... If you like laughing cow, I've used that in a baked potato before and it was pretty good. You could use salsa or chili. There are all sorts of other things you can top it with.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I eat potatos all the time! As long as I'm within all my goals of course. Add a little onion and I Can't Beleive it's not butter spray... mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Potato's are a staple for me, in moderation, and sweet potato's my favorite!!!! I believe they are great for you, just don't load them up with butter and sour cream (which is so hard not to do)!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I know many people say to stay away from potatoes, but I am a big fan of eating baked potatoes as a way to fulfill my carbs needed. Since I do a lot of cardio and strength training, I need those carbs to give me the energy to survive a full workout. My advice would be to not limit your potatoes...because whenever we deprive ourselves of food we love, it never quite works out and then we binge. Carbs are a necessary part of our diet (although aitkins people may disagree with me, and thats fine). When you are shopping for potatoes, I would go for the small to medium size. That way, you avoid "carbo-loading", the way I like to call it. You still get your good carbs in, but you don't go overboard and consume too much. Also, limit what you put on the potato as toppings (bacon, cheese, sour cream, butter). All of those things are fattening, but if you use portion control you can still enjoy your baked potato! Hope that helps!! Also, if you eat them earlier in the day, you have the rest of the day to use those carbs as your energy source!!

    I live in Idaho....potato country!! haha! I've gotta have my potatoes...plus..they are CHEAP!!

    Edited to say: I usually buy the smaller red potatoes...yummm!! I also use 1 TBSP of light sour cream. Sometimes I will also add a little salsa to give a little more flava!! Yumm...this is making me hungry!
  • i just had one for lunch (160 cals) with 1 tbs of butter (60 cals) and 1/8 cup of cheese (28 cals) with 1 cup lettuce and 2 tsb of my fav. salad dressing (90 cals)....346 cals and I'm stuffed!!! I think all is fine in moderation, right???
  • atauds
    atauds Posts: 41
    Try baked sweet potatoes. Sweet potato is considered a good carb. Extremely healthy and doesn't raise your blood sugar quickly like a regular potato would)
  • Potatoes are not as bad as some people think. It has alot to do with how you cook them and what you put on or in them. I make oven baked sliced potatos which are just slices of potatoes a little bit of EVOO and fresh herds and garlic, really yummy. If you eat them in moderation and they fit into your carbs and calories you should be fine.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Try baked sweet potatoes. Sweet potato is considered a good carb. Extremely healthy and doesn't raise your blood sugar quickly like a regular potato would)

    This is a stupid question..I know... (Plus, I'm in potato country..I should know this)...but is a sweet potato a yam? And what is the taste difference of a sweet potato to, say, a red potato? I've been too scared to buy them.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Try baked sweet potatoes. Sweet potato is considered a good carb. Extremely healthy and doesn't raise your blood sugar quickly like a regular potato would)

    This is a stupid question..I know... (Plus, I'm in potato country..I should know this)...but is a sweet potato a yam? And what is the taste difference of a sweet potato to, say, a red potato? I've been too scared to buy them.

    Sweet potatoes and yams aren't technically the same thing but a lot of people use the names interchangeably. Sweet potatoes look like big, hard potatoes and they're orange. They are so delicious. I can't even tell you, my mouth is watering right now just typing this. If I had to choose only one food to ever eat ever again it would be the sweet potato.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I know that for me, cutting things I love out completely does not work. And I love baked potatoes. So I still have them, but I either make a real small one or eat only half to a third, depending on size. I still put butter and sour cream on, but I know that if I'm going to do that at supper, I need to be more careful of my fat numbers the rest of the day. And I always eat the skin...good and good for you:)
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Everyone seems to be in agreement that potatoes are fine in moderation... I Haven't had any in awhile.... EXCEPT for when I wedge them up and bake them (seasoned fries)... I LOVE baked potatoes, though and havent had one in a while.... I always eat the skin and I never really "loaded" it up.... YAY!!! I may just have a baked potato tonight, then!! :happy:
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