new to my fitness pal

Im fairly new to this web site but it has quickly become one of my favorites. I am a 34 year old wife and mother of 2. I have been trying to get healthy for the last couple of months and kinda reached a point where the weight wasnt coming off any more thats when I found this website. So I guess it was kinda a push to help me keep going, not that I was giving up.....but this does get kinda hard so add me if your looking for someone to help keep you motivated and to share your success stories with. Good Luck to all I know we can do this!


  • arasmc
    arasmc Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!
  • DaisyClaire
    DaisyClaire Posts: 6 Member
    welcome welcome! My other half who's also on here has already lost 10 pounds and I'm lagging behind at 4 pounds so having motivational people on here is a real help, The calorie counting has been a huge help. Thanks for adding me as a friend! :)
  • hotcocoa5
    I joined myfitnesspal on Sunday w/ my bestie, and I've been on everyday since then. I love this site, and I tell everyone I know about it. In the past 2 1/2 yrs I've gained 20 pounds, and am the heaviest that I've ever been. While I'm okay w/ how I look (for the most part), I don't like "my number" and would like to lose weight for a few reasons. 1-going on a cruise in 73 days (can you tell I can't wait?), 2-I have clothes that I would like to wear but they don't fit the same, if they fit at all, and 3-I don't want to keep getting bigger. The biggest problem I will have is that I like to eat, A LOT!!! People always tell me that they're surprised at my size once they see how much I eat. Fortunately, I've been blessed to have a good metabolism, and I work retail so I do quite a bit of walking at my job. But as I get older, I know things are changing. So hopefully tracking my calorie intake and the foods I eat, will help me achieve my goals.
  • Schatziheart
    Welcome^_^ I joined back in December and I do really love being here. I'm so glad too, that I found this site.
    Wishing you Good Luck.