Who is your motivation?

There have been a lot of topics about what motivates you to lose weight and keep it off, but I haven't seen one asking WHO is your motivation? It can either be celebrities or even someone in your life. I'm focusing on celebrities because everyone knows who they are, what they look like and like it or not they have a huge impact on society as a whole (since Celebrities have such an affect on society in terms of what's attractive, what's sexy and what is "right" I think its very relevant).

Like most people I've looked at celebrities and thought, "Wow, I wish I had her body!". Over the last few days I've been reassessing my lifestyle and my eating habits, because I still struggle on a daily basis to focus on being healthy rather than skinny. I'll fall into unhealthy habits and mindsets and have to remind myself again that simply being thinner is not good enough for me, I want to be healthy and fit and able to compete in my chosen sport.

The celebrities I find motivate me to be healthy and fit are:

Kelly Osbourne - for her amazing weightloss and the fact that she did it the healthy way, by getting active. She's truly turned her life around from the sullen and unhappy teenager we saw on the tv show to someone that makes you think "if she can do it, so can I?"

Vanessa Hudgens - She is one of the few young actresses that seems to care more about being healthy than fitting the Hollywood ideal. In pictures she looks fitter and healthier than a lot of her contemporaries, and is always photgraphed either goinr to gym or to some other fitness thing.

So, these are the celebrities I find inspirational for me. What are your opinions?

Is there anyone you look up to as inspiration or motivation for being fit and having a healthy body?