stupid choice

Seriously, with one stupid choice...i am already over my calories for the entire day by 300.
I have been doing so good all week, and then i blow it with one meal. wtf is wrong with me?!
i don't need responses, I just wanted to vent is all!:mad:


  • samiali
    samiali Posts: 3 Member
    hey dont worry!!! it happends to good more excercise and burn off that extra 300!!! really dont let it get you down!!!
  • Ian8570
    Don't sweat it. 300 calories once is amazing. I went over by 700 one day and I still lost 2 pounds in a week. Just keeping working hard and don't be too tough on yourself!!!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Of course you need responses!! Even to venting. I hear you though. I stressed last night - did it in big time. My 500 calorie dinner ended out being 1500 when i finally put the fork down. BAD decision. But, all you can do is learn why and what and move on. Now, not later! Forgive and move on - 1 day in a lifetime journey won't cause harm. One day after another, however, is a different story! lol.
  • DaisyClaire
    DaisyClaire Posts: 6 Member
    just think of all those calories that people are stuffing in their mouths all the time without being aware of what they're eating - 300 calories is as easy as eating a couple of scrambled eggs on toast, so really don't give yourself a hard time, you've lost SO much I'm really envious :)
  • crmikus28
    it's ok, just get back on the wagon tomorrow. I did it the other day too with a piece of cake and couldn't even eat my dinner and still eas over my calories, so I am determined to stick with it today. Instead of eating tonight when the urge comes on I am going to do whatever it takes to distract myself...and water can always help fill me up. Just keep your goal body in mind and how sexy you will be and how good will feel about yourself when this is done!!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    :explode: I'm right there with you today! One stupid choice at lunch completely blew my entire day and I'm so pissed at myself. It helps to confess and vent!!

    I'm trying to shrug it off and have a good evening. You do the same! :flowerforyou:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    thanks guys! that does help. i just need to remember this feeling when i want to do it again.
    i'm going to try to have a light dinner, and work out some.
  • Marcy79
    Marcy79 Posts: 41 Member
    15 minutes of step using a step stool with burn 150 cals!! that's half your regret right there.. 15 little, lousy, ol' minutes!
  • sandmart2009
    sandmart2009 Posts: 153 Member
    I know the feeling. My weakness is instant ramen noodles (particularly Maruchan! UGH!!!) I splurged the other day and was too sleepy to work out, I felt like *kitten* when I saw a whopping 300+ up on my food calorie intake. YUCK!

    Hang in there. You are not alone and all the more you should not feel too bad.

    *in the mood for pork rinds*
  • Jcasdocklands
    I had a binge on Monday night and when I checked in last thing before going to bed once I had logged all my sins, all I could see was a big red 666 on the front page - perhaps it was a message... ;-)
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    Yesterday before lunch I had 600 calories worth of hersheys right before lunch and then topped my night with 2 banana bread chocolate chip muffins. I'm only supposed to eat 1200 cals per day, before exercise, and I ate regular meals the rest of the day. See where this is headed...? ;) I couldn't exercise my way out of that one. Sometimes we just have to live and learn, just don't flush your week down the toilet with it, and you should be fine.
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    15 minutes of step using a step stool with burn 150 cals!! that's half your regret right there.. 15 little, lousy, ol' minutes!
    It's all in the perspective. When you look at 15 little old minutes wiping out half of the big deal really. We live and learn (I often find myself addin an unplanned workout later in the day :blushing:
  • jaxterbom
    300 is Nuttin! :yawn: