Tell Me To Get My *kitten* Together! Severe Motivation Needed!

Omg! I gained 2 pounds this past week! I completely know why too! I didn't really eat crappy but I drank Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! I also ate a couple of hunny buns which were 500 calories a piece! *Shakes head in disgust* I am definitely NOT making excuses but I was on my monthly and I constantly wanted to eat and being at work around yummy but nasty horrible bad for you vending machine food wasn't working in my favor! Plus I didn't exercise last week because I didn't feel well. Had a sore throat and a bad cough. ): I could have lost some weight had I not drank the alcohol. This is actually the 3rd week in my almost year journey that I have gained weight. I am ticked at myself but I know what I must do to get back on track. I had a friend come in from my hometown and we went to the mall. She had to buy some new business casual clothes and for the first time I can almost fit into clothes at regular stores. I have about 25 more pounds to lose and I will be able to wear clothes from regular stores! I can almost taste it! I feel like though I am at a point where I am losing motivation. I started Couch to 5K 3 weeks ago but wasn't able to do the second week last week. I Started the second week yesterday so I am hoping it helps. I also didn't realize that Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks! Gosh I thought it was on the 29th and then was informed it was the 22nd! I am in need of some motivation bad! I wish I had someone in my face yelling at me!!


  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I wouldn't call gaining a couple of pounds one week a major setback. Disregard, carry on. Also, get your **** together.
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    you've lost 81lbs so far. 2lbs is nothing in comparison.

    you ****ed up, you've acknowledged it, learn from it and move on.

    imagine how amazing it will feel once you lose 25lbs and can shop where ever you want! set that as a reward, buying clothing from any store you want.

    now get your *kitten* into gear and get back into it! you can do it! :)
  • Morglijay
    Morglijay Posts: 12 Member
    Remember you have lost 81 lbs. Don't beat yourself up about a 2 lb gain. You will only make yourself feel bad and what happens then we usually reach for food for comfort.

    You have "written" it down. Turned the page and moved on to the next chapter.

    Today is a fresh day start again and think of what you have lost already. 81 lbs, 81 lbs, 81lbs.

  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Ready for Drill Sergeant Moglet?

    No more excuses; no more 'I'm tired/sore/got a cough'. Got a cough? What's stopping you from going on a brisk walk? Lifting some weights?

    Your period IS an excuse. It's not a reason.

    You've got to want to get into those normal clothes more than you want any bun, any drink, any spell indoors rather than going out in exercising. Give those things up forever? No. But they ARE stopping you from reaching your goal.

    You've done it this far. You can do it again.

    Results or excuses: never both.

    (ETA: Never normally like that! But you did ask...)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Drink loads of water - some of those 2lbs might be water retention from all the drinking.

    Oh yes, and get your *kitten* together (:
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    that time of the month, the snack stage, put a box of cruskits and jats light next to you, they're salty but really low calorie, and they're both good plain. also lite jelly is only 14 calories a bowl, great if you have a sweet tooth like me, I put on 2.2 pounds last week but they fell of again this week
  • Just keep on going. Everybody have some bad days so don't give up :)
  • GZinSea
    GZinSea Posts: 50 Member

    Results or excuses: never both.

    That is brilliant! I think I might have to get a t-shirt made with that one. well done
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Ready for Drill Sergeant Moglet?

    No more excuses; no more 'I'm tired/sore/got a cough'. Got a cough? What's stopping you from going on a brisk walk? Lifting some weights?

    Your period IS an excuse. It's not a reason.

    You've got to want to get into those normal clothes more than you want any bun, any drink, any spell indoors rather than going out in exercising. Give those things up forever? No. But they ARE stopping you from reaching your goal.

    You've done it this far. You can do it again.

    Results or excuses: never both.

    (ETA: Never normally like that! But you did ask...)


    Yeah, my period is an excuse but I can't deny I have those crazy urges to eat like a raging lunatic! haahaha! I mean, I don't blame my period but I know that I do typically get those crazy cravings during that time. This time I just succumbed to it! GRR!
    <~~~ Is that an excuse? I mean, I'm not denying I messed up!

    Oh heck, anyway! I'm honestly not beating myself up too bad, just can't believe I went "Wild" with eating and drinking this past week. I typically don't do that.

    I guess I'm just a little more disappointed in myself this week because I'm usually really good at controlling myself but I guess I just had a lazy week. I did start my second week of C25K. Think I may have said that though. Oh I can't remember! I am having an insomnia night! haha
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Also, I just wanted to be accountable that I did gain 2 pounds! haha, I don't want to track that in my weight ticker so I thought I should at least mention it somewhere!!
  • That's what we are all here for... and when TOM comes to visit I always gain. My hope is that my ticker will look like yours within the next year.
  • heagler870
    heagler870 Posts: 280 Member
    Okay so I guess I lied. I weight this morning and it was 4 pounds less than yesterday which makes a loss of 2 pounds from when I last weighed. I did weigh later in the day yesterday because I didn't get a chance when I woke up. Hmmm... I'm wondering if that's a true 2 pound loss or just water. Oh well! I am logging it!
  • Morglijay
    Morglijay Posts: 12 Member
    Hi do you record your weight daily?

    I just wonder what is better. I only record weight once a week and always weigh on the same day as soon i wake up.

    I stupidly also make sure the sales are in the same spot on the floor :-\

    Does anyone else have views on this?