Diet Soda



  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I drink it--I have for many years--my teeth are good, and I have not died yet. I do not blame diet soda for my weight, although I would like to.
  • wick09
    wick09 Posts: 22 Member
    Hubby drinks diet and hasn't had no porblem losing, I can't drink diet. I have tried and tried, but the taste is awful. I just have my one soda a week at Sonic and go about my way :).
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    :flowerforyou: Artificial sweeteners, just like regular sugar, in large amounts is not recommended. There have been claims but nothing to substantiate the claims that it causes cancer so that is not the concern.

    HOWEVER there are many inquiries as to it halting weight loss, and in some cases lead to weight gain. It is also important to always remember everything in Moderation.

    Cutting sugar is a great start and substituting with artificial is what I have done and I can say it has been great. BUT in moderation. I use 1 packet of equal in my coffe rather than a heaping tbsp of sugar. I dropped "empty calorie" snacks and treats accept for the rare occasion. I don't bake any differently, but I don't indulge as I did before. On the rare occasion I do have a soda (used to live on coffee and soda), I try to get Sprite Zero if it is available. I got over my soda addiction by switching to seltzer water and club soda... Yes, it was HARD but soon enough I no longer wanted the carbonation effect and regular water is now the top source of fluid for me :flowerforyou:

    Now for the skeptics, of course we have some opposing side arguments. The Below link states some opposite viewpoints on the subject. I will keep searchng for more "scholarly" but this debate is probably never going to end. I strongly suggest enjoy in moderation.

    Hope some of this helps you. Again, I will see if I can find more credible sites and information but I really believe it is about just using good judgement and knowing your body. I overcame type II diabetes, BAD cholesterol and triglycerides in about a 4 month period of time by changing my diet, ultimately removing sugar at first and now I rarely indulge in it (though I do), I have cut procesed carbs and flours (again on a RARE occasion I will indulge but it is rare and I don't go hog-wild ever). As a point my numbers:

    Test Performed/ May 15, 2012 Result/ August 24, 2012/ Optimal Range
    Glucose/ 109H/ 81/ 70-99
    Cholesterol/ 197/ 170/ <-200
    Trig/ 110/ 37/ <=150
    HDL (good chol)/ 41/ 41/ 40-59
    LDL (bad Chol)/ 134H/ 122H/ <-100

    Glucose =Controlled, Cholerterol was bordering high and now in stable zone, Triglycerides = VANISHED, HDL stayed same and Dr does want to see an increase but is not concerned, LDL still needs to come down but she is confident the changes after the first of the year will show the numbers she wants to see. She is waiting longer for the next lipid test to give it more time to react. She is pleased with the prelim. changes.
  • Tommy_Martin
    People are just out of control in consuming soda. If you're craving it, I don't see the need to suffer. But, I have never really eaten well on meals with soda. I would either crave junk after or have seconds and thirds on the starchy carbs (rice is my crack).

    Personally, I'm 5 days free of soda in any form and no sugar/sweets cravings. I honestly don't prefer soda with the wholesome food choices that I eat; it just doesn't go with it. And honestly, diets with it just never worked.

    Health wise, I've drank soda just about every day since I was a teen. I've had no medical problems. Never been in the hospital or had a scare. I'm never been on any medications, even antibiotics in over 20 years. My teeth are great and only ever had one cavity when I was a teen. Best wishes for the holidays!
  • Jesmoko
    Jesmoko Posts: 203 Member
    It just makes you want to eat more, I think. I basically lived off diet coke for several years, and then I just...stopped. I drink water and couple of cups of coffee instead, which has been much helpful far as losing weight goes.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    If I try to avoid my nightly diet dr pepper, I crave food.

    I drink it. One a day. And I can keep on track with everything else. Everyone is different.

    One "bad" thing that keeps me from porking back out is totally worth it.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I drink diet soda every day. I'm not giving up everything and besides someone can come with something to show that everything is bad for you!! Except sex!!!
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I drink diet dr pepper on a daily basis. Won't give it up. I don't agree with the 'studies' that say it causes you to crave sweets or causes you to have more belly fat. Doesn't me, at all. I have lost over 75 pounds and my waist is 24 inches.

    These days everything is bad for you and everything is gonna kill ya.

    I say I eat healthy (for the most part), I run, I lift weights....I'm gonna drink my Diet Dr. Pepper!
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I just make sure I still drink lots of water....I have splenda in my coffee every day (with real cream!), and the occasional Diet Coke, and these are not the issues I have with weight loss! lol
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    It just makes you want to eat more, I think. I basically lived off diet coke for several years, and then I just...stopped. I drink water and couple of cups of coffee instead, which has been much helpful far as losing weight goes.

    It only makes you want to eat more if your body is trying to substitute the sugar intake that you may have been getting from regular soda.

    I say enjoy your soda every once in a while. I drink 2 sodas a day with caffeine, because I don't drink coffee (I know, I'm one of the weird people). However, my diet soda is not contributing more to calories. So in a sense, it is better for me than the alternative. Maybe one day I will get rid of caffeine all together, but until then... I will enjoy my diet coke :drinker:
  • mallorycutting
    Drinking diet soda causes us to hold fuild, so we always feel like we are bloated from all the sodium in the drink. I enjoy my diet pepsi, but personally I cut back on drinking it for a month, felt like my pants weren't so tight around the waist. I allow myself a bottle of diet soda on the weekend.

    There is barely any sodium in pop... most likely the carbination is what is affecting you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It just makes you want to eat more, I think. I basically lived off diet coke for several years, and then I just...stopped. I drink water and couple of cups of coffee instead, which has been much helpful far as losing weight goes.

    Not me it does not.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    :flowerforyou: Artificial sweeteners, just like regular sugar, in large amounts is not recommended. There have been claims but nothing to substantiate the claims that it causes cancer so that is not the concern.

    Agreed - there is nothing substantiated

    HOWEVER there are many inquiries as to it halting weight loss, and in some cases lead to weight gain. It is also important to always remember everything in Moderation.

    There is no evidence that a zero calorie beverage will directly cause weight gain

    The only study referenced in this article was on rats and did not conclude anything

    This relates to the calorie intake of people not logging food. It does not prove that they cause weight gain but indicates that they may cause some people to eat more if they are not tracking their food. Which for a vast number of people on this site is irrelevant.

    Same as above. Correlation not causation.

    ETA: not trying to be argumentative here - just trying to show that these studies either do not conclude anything or are about correlation and not causation i.e. there is no direct impact on your weight gain/loss but there may be an indirect one if you do not track your food and if the sweetness triggers a higher calorie intake.