Coconut oil in my coffee- making me RAVENOUS



  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    I had coconut oil in coffee yesterday and now that you mention it, I was hungry before dinner. Maybe thats why. I usually use it for cooking. Hmmmmmm I
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    I just took a peak at your diary. With as few pounds as you are trying to lose, you need way more than 1400 calories a day as your base. You are young and you have a job, I'd guess you would be better off at something like 1700-1900 a day to lose.

    Here's the Group link, read the top ten threads or so.

    My BMR is only like 1417 because I'm short. My TDEE was around 1900-2000 last I checked, but that was when I was walking two miles a day 5 days a week. Since then my podiatrist has told me to stop because putting weight on my foot makes it worse and I haven't been good about developing an exercise routine I can do without a gym that does not put weight on my foot. It's not because I can't, it's because I have just been lazy. I'll admit it. When I was walking, I was eating around 1800 calories a day to eat back my workout calories and that averaged to maybe a little less than one pound a week loss. Either way, to lose 1 pound a week now, I need it to be around 1400 as I have become EXTREMELY sedentary due to foot pain. MFP keeps trying to auto change it to 1200 but that's ridiculous.

    You can't expect to lose a pound a week when you are only trying to lose 15-18 pounds. Your BMR is 1417, and you are eating LESS than that. Please read those threads I linked you to. No wonder you are hungry, and you're probably going to be stalled in your weight loss if you keep this up.

    Here's more:
    The Myfitnesspal way:
    For General How To when it comes to weight loss:
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    It may be the type of coconut oil you are using. Louana Coconut oil is super refined and won't have the same benefits as a good quality virgin unrefined that you can find in most health food sections of grocery stores or health food stores.

    Yikes...they sell that stuff next to Crisco in the grocery store. The refining process alters the fatty acid profile not giving you the full benefit of Coconut Oil.

    If you have to or are willing to give it another try you can also get it in capsule form too. I love the flavor and richness so much I just eat the spoon full straight.

    Also after taking a peak at your diary, your daily protein intake appears a bit low. Increasing the amount of protein you get at each meal will help you from getting hungry.

    I actually have done some scouring on this and have not found any studies or scientists confirming that refined coconut oil has any fewer benefits than the extra-virgin-turned into coconut oil within the first 48 hours after the thing was picked - oil. It's simply been processed with less heat (so it doesn't bring out the coconut taste which is a result of burning the meat) and deoderized. I honestly can't stand the taste of coconut. I had a co-worker give me a one gallon tub of the Tropical Traditions extra-virgin stuff that his wife bought last year and didn't use. I've been using it for beauty products as I can stand the smell, but not the taste. All I've ever seen regarding the difference is posts by people in forums that basically go under the assumption that if it says virgin and organic, it must clearly be better for you. Yes, Louana is refined. It is still 100% coconut oil with no other ingredients on the list. If you know of these studies, please point me to them and I'll re-evaluate if I'm going to use coconut oil at all. If it's virgin oil tha tastes like coconut or nothing, I'll take nothing.

    They actually sell it right next to the Nutiva cold press coconut oil that costs twice as much for 3/4 as much oil. But I'll keep an eye out for the capsules, those sound like a promising alternative for traveling.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I just took a peak at your diary. With as few pounds as you are trying to lose, you need way more than 1400 calories a day as your base. You are young and you have a job, I'd guess you would be better off at something like 1700-1900 a day to lose.

    Here's the Group link, read the top ten threads or so.

    My BMR is only like 1417 because I'm short. My TDEE was around 1900-2000 last I checked, but that was when I was walking two miles a day 5 days a week. Since then my podiatrist has told me to stop because putting weight on my foot makes it worse and I haven't been good about developing an exercise routine I can do without a gym that does not put weight on my foot. It's not because I can't, it's because I have just been lazy. I'll admit it. When I was walking, I was eating around 1800 calories a day to eat back my workout calories and that averaged to maybe a little less than one pound a week loss. Either way, to lose 1 pound a week now, I need it to be around 1400 as I have become EXTREMELY sedentary due to foot pain. MFP keeps trying to auto change it to 1200 but that's ridiculous.

    You can't expect to lose a pound a week when you are only trying to lose 15-18 pounds. Your BMR is 1417, and you are eating LESS than that. Please read those threads I linked you to. No wonder you are hungry, and you're probably going to be stalled in your weight loss if you keep this up.

    Here's more:
    The Myfitnesspal way:
    For General How To when it comes to weight loss:
    Thanks! I'll definitely check those out this week. Usually when I see that type of slogan it means going carb free, which I am not quite willing to do. I'm trying to cut down on my simple carbs, but I do believe that carbs are an important part of the diet. Meanwhile, we'll see how I do in the next few weeks because the coconut oil has surely upped my daily caloric intake ;)
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm no scientist but

    I stopped reading here. I refuse to listen to non-scientists. I don't even know how you registered for this site.

    Well I didn't want to brag but I am self accredited in I have to finish up my last carbs of the day and get ready to go curl in the squat rack.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    If you don't want to use it in your coffee any more, I can tell you that it's great to put on the ends of long hair and to rub into dry feet and legs. That's all I use coconut oil for, except to oil my waffle maker. It makes the waffles taste SO good.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    If you don't want to use it in your coffee any more, I can tell you that it's great to put on the ends of long hair and to rub into dry feet and legs. That's all I use coconut oil for, except to oil my waffle maker. It makes the waffles taste SO good.
    That's how I started learning about coconut oil, really. I started learning to make my own hair and skin products and coconut oil kept popping up. It's also really great as a massage oil and in lip balm and apparently a lot of people use it for oil pulling for their teeth.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I often make "Bulletproof Coffee" as an alternative to breakfast... I call it an intermittant fast but really it's an "I don't have time to make breakfast" day.

    I add 1 TB of coconut oil and 1 TB of grass-fed unsalted butter to my black coffee. The key is to BLEND it with an immersion blender or shake in one of those blender ball shake cup thingies. That way the coconut oil and butter don't float to the top. Once blended, it's creamy delicious, and the healthy fats keep me happy to lunch. The idea is that the fat content makes your body feel as satiated as if you had a meal. I don't necessarily feel like I've chowed down on a big plate of eggs and bacon after bulletproof coffee, but I don't get hungry either, and it tastes great. If I'm really short on time, I just add some coconut manna to my coffee and cream, which gives it a small MCT boost and tastes sort of nutty and the tiniest bit sweet.

    But, since I mostly eat protein at breakfast, and only carbs if they come from veggies, I find that I can go easily to 1-2p before getting hungry, with breakfast, without, or with just bullet proof coffee.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Bumping because I'd also like to hear what others think regarding the health benifits of refined v's virgin coconut oil. I'd like to use the virgin for cooking but I've heard the refined is better at tollerating high heat. Thoughts anyone?
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    Bumping because I'd also like to hear what others think regarding the health benifits of refined v's virgin coconut oil. I'd like to use the virgin for cooking but I've heard the refined is better at tollerating high heat. Thoughts anyone?

    I've just started using extra virgin coconut oil. I have some in a little container for my hair and skin and I also have some in the kitchen for cooking. I'm using coconut oil primarily because I am looking for something easy to boost up my cals and also because I love the smell of coconut and often use coconut products on my skin anyway so thought i'd just go natural for a change. As for health benefits between refined/virgin... it's a good fat, thats all I care about.

    I actually don't use oil for cooking often at all so actually remembering to use it is usually a struggle but the times I have remembered its been great. Goes great on high heat, much better than any other oils I've used. It can put a little bit of a different taste into food but not much really.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Bumping because I'd also like to hear what others think regarding the health benifits of refined v's virgin coconut oil. I'd like to use the virgin for cooking but I've heard the refined is better at tollerating high heat. Thoughts anyone?

    I've just started using extra virgin coconut oil. I have some in a little container for my hair and skin and I also have some in the kitchen for cooking. I'm using coconut oil primarily because I am looking for something easy to boost up my cals and also because I love the smell of coconut and often use coconut products on my skin anyway so thought i'd just go natural for a change. As for health benefits between refined/virgin... it's a good fat, thats all I care about.

    I actually don't use oil for cooking often at all so actually remembering to use it is usually a struggle but the times I have remembered its been great. Goes great on high heat, much better than any other oils I've used. It can put a little bit of a different taste into food but not much really.

    Thanks starla :) Have you ever used it on the BBQ? We use a spray can of virgin coconut oil on it.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I hear what you are saying, but it DOES keep me fuller longer....I wonder why it makes you there other stuff going on in the diet?
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I've tried the coconut oil in my coffee but I only used a teaspoon because I'm small. I blended it with the coffee with a hand blender and it frothed, it was truly yummy. But I didn't notice an effect, I just like the taste. Then I started heading to the gym with zero calories so just drink my coffee with english toffee stevia now. I save the coconut oil for cooking or making popcorn (yum!).

    I've found that hunger kind of comes in cycles. Eating at a calorie deficit is hard on people; even a small deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones and such. Everyone is different. Some people can handle a deeper calorie deficit than others, this is not right or wrong, it just is. Stress in your life affects your hunger hormones; lack of sleep, fatigue, job stress, family stress, financial stress, etc. Add in emotional eating issues and it gets even more complicated. Most people can only handle so much change/stress at once, they try to do too much and fail. Sometimes it might be a better strategy to eat at maintenance and make some small changes first, it really depends on how much stress you are taking in at the moment.

    It may or may not be the coconut oil causing the hunger. It could be many things.
  • t_nikki
    I'm very familiar with putting fat in my coffee, as I do it every morning and have been for the last 7 months. I believe that with some people it does not create a insulin spike and in some it will. It made me hungry so I replaced it with real butter, Kerry Gold is the best. In fact, at Starbucks they give out a pat of Kerry Gold butter with their coffees because the health trend is so popular right now. Once I replaced the coconut oil with butter and used Heavy whipping cream instead of coffemate I felt full usually until lunch time. I recenlty started to use coffemate creamer again and I believe that is what has caused me to be super hungry! The sugar count says 0 grams in the coffeecreamer BUT the first ingredient listed is Corn Syrup....GO FIGURE!! Try your coffee with pure butter, not margarine and see how that works.
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    Bumping because I'd also like to hear what others think regarding the health benifits of refined v's virgin coconut oil. I'd like to use the virgin for cooking but I've heard the refined is better at tollerating high heat. Thoughts anyone?

    I've just started using extra virgin coconut oil. I have some in a little container for my hair and skin and I also have some in the kitchen for cooking. I'm using coconut oil primarily because I am looking for something easy to boost up my cals and also because I love the smell of coconut and often use coconut products on my skin anyway so thought i'd just go natural for a change. As for health benefits between refined/virgin... it's a good fat, thats all I care about.

    I actually don't use oil for cooking often at all so actually remembering to use it is usually a struggle but the times I have remembered its been great. Goes great on high heat, much better than any other oils I've used. It can put a little bit of a different taste into food but not much really.

    Thanks starla :) Have you ever used it on the BBQ? We use a spray can of virgin coconut oil on it.

    Not yet but over christmas it will probably get a workout :)
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm not a huge breakfast person. I don't usually get hungry until about 3-4 hours after I get up, before that the thought of food kind of makes me naseaus, so I just drink a cup of coffee until I'm hungry.

    This is really talking out of my a**, but, I find that when I haven't eaten in a long time I get to be a sort of fake full. When I do eat a little bit after that sort of time I realize how hungry I am. Maybe the bit of nutrition, as opposed to just the coffee and calorie-free sugar substitute, is jogging your appetite in the same way?

    Edit: Maybe putting that CO in a smoothie with a little yerba mate for a little caffeine could be a healthful switch from no breakfast, while keeping the CO?
  • tyraskanks_
    My brother eats it right from the spoon.
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    I've been putting coconut oil in my coffee for about six weeks or so. My appetite did increase, but not, I think, because of the coconut oil. It increased a couple weeks after I started, when I added in more snacks. In other words, I spread my calories more evenly through the day, and that made me more hungry. Hopefully, that means my metabolism woke up.

    I put real sugar, cocoa powder, coconut oil and cinnamon in my coffee. The unsweetened cocoa makes a little bit of sludge at the bottom of the cup, but, it's chocolate! I'm not any more hungry in the morning than I was before. The hunger comes more at night for me.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I've tried the coconut oil in my coffee but I only used a teaspoon because I'm small. I blended it with the coffee with a hand blender and it frothed, it was truly yummy. But I didn't notice an effect, I just like the taste. Then I started heading to the gym with zero calories so just drink my coffee with english toffee stevia now. I save the coconut oil for cooking or making popcorn (yum!).

    I've found that hunger kind of comes in cycles. Eating at a calorie deficit is hard on people; even a small deficit puts your body in a state of flux with hormones and such. Everyone is different. Some people can handle a deeper calorie deficit than others, this is not right or wrong, it just is. Stress in your life affects your hunger hormones; lack of sleep, fatigue, job stress, family stress, financial stress, etc. Add in emotional eating issues and it gets even more complicated. Most people can only handle so much change/stress at once, they try to do too much and fail. Sometimes it might be a better strategy to eat at maintenance and make some small changes first, it really depends on how much stress you are taking in at the moment.

    It may or may not be the coconut oil causing the hunger. It could be many things.

    I got caught up on the mention of english toffee stevia. Where did you find this?! It sounds delicious.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    I'm not a huge breakfast person. I don't usually get hungry until about 3-4 hours after I get up, before that the thought of food kind of makes me naseaus, so I just drink a cup of coffee until I'm hungry.

    This is really talking out of my a**, but, I find that when I haven't eaten in a long time I get to be a sort of fake full. When I do eat a little bit after that sort of time I realize how hungry I am. Maybe the bit of nutrition, as opposed to just the coffee and calorie-free sugar substitute, is jogging your appetite in the same way?

    Edit: Maybe putting that CO in a smoothie with a little yerba mate for a little caffeine could be a healthful switch from no breakfast, while keeping the CO?
    That's an interesting theory. I will have to look into that. it's possible.

    I did take the advice of an earlier poster and change my daily calorie goals by a bit.