Phentermine and Dieting



  • edennew
    edennew Posts: 231 Member
    P.S. This is a fake picture of my face on a model's body! I started at 253.6 and now weigh 241.2

    we are in synch...its my 11th day...I started at 253 and I am now 241 :)

    Are you super excited for the 230's like I am???
    Absolutely! Good luck to us both and welcome 30's!
  • gillbush123
    gillbush123 Posts: 21 Member
    I took phen a few years ago and lost 3 stone with it, but once I stopped taking it I gained all the weight back plus some, but I only relied on the phen.
    I went back on it this week but the difference is I am only using it to help me train my self into not eating constantly. I am following mfp and sticking to my calories, I want to change my life and my attitude towards food for ever.
    I don't have any side effects either, I have my breakfast, then lunch and then have a tablet as its in the afternoon that I normaly binge, but I don't have any problems eating my tea. I just don't have the desire to eat rubbish through out the day now.
    I also don't have any problems sleeping. I feel confident that in a few months time I will be able to stop the phen and carry on eating healthy untill I reach my goal weight which is along way off, 126 lb off to be exact.
    Good luck.