Need some friends on here

I have lost a significant amount of weight after the birth of my kids, but have been stalled over the last year. I currently weigh 165, but my goal is to get down to about 135. I can't seem to break this number. the lowest I have ever been in 155. I excercise regularly, but can't seem to control my eating. I dont really have any friends on here, but I have been thinking if I had more support, was accountable, and could read other's food logs, that could be the inspiration I need to get moving again. If you need a friend, or are willing to be in this with me, please friend me. I need all the help I can get. I really want to finish this battle and achieve my goals. I lost my mom this year and have been feeling pretty dowm without her to cheer me on. any help and support are appreciated.


  • scowil03xx
    scowil03xx Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me, always working but will do my best to help with anything I can. Currently down 35lbs from start but been stuck at 255 forever (though my diet has suffered because of my new job). Would like to see 225. Send any questions or thoughts and I'll reply as soon as I can.